Part 1

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~Kim's P.O.V.~

I was planning on going back to Seaford and talk to Jack. I've been in Japan for about two years and was planning on going back to Seaford. I get off the plane and call a taxi to drop me off at the dojo after I put my stuff back at my parent's house. 

"Thank you." I say as I pay the driver. He nods then drives off. I walk into the new dojo --still haven't gotten used to it yet-- and see everyone working out. 

"I'll be right with you." I hear Jack say. He doesn't even turn around but keeps helping the man he's working with. 

"Alright. I'll just wait over here until I can talk to you." I say, sitting down at the counter. I watch as Jack freezes then spins around and looks at me. 

"Kim? Kim!" he says and runs over to give me a huge hug. 

"I missed you too. But go back to whatever you were doing. I can wait." I tell him.  

"Alright. Don't move." Jack tells me. 

"Wasn't planning on it." I say. He finishes with whatever he was doing before I walked in then comes and sits beside me. 

"What are you doing here anyway?" Jack asks. 

"I needed to talk to you." I answer. 

"Alright. What is it?" Jack asks right as Jerry and Milton walk in. 

"It can wait." I say. Then the other boys see me. 

"Kim!" they both shout and run over to hug me. 

"Calm down already. I wasn't gone your whole lives." I laugh. 

"But you were gone for four years." Jack tells me. 

"I know." I sigh. We all decide to catch up over at Phil's. After Phil finishes freaking out over my "sudden appearence from the dead life", we can actually start a bowling game. 

"So Kim, what's new?" Milton asks. 

"A lot." I tell him. 

"Well that's informational." Milton says sarcastically. 

"Can't tell you. Yet." I say. 

"Kim's turn!" Jerry says as he comes to sit down. Jack comes over and sets some food down on the counter. I get up until I see it. 

"Nope! Food is here!" I say sitting back down. 

"There's still gonna be food when you get back." Jerry whines. 

"Fine. But if there isn't, someone's gonna die." I warn. I think I hear him say 'maybe' but let it slide. I get back up and do my two turns then go and sit back down. "Where's the food?" I demand. Jerry swallows something then looks up at me. 

"I don't know." he says with a high voice. 

"You. Are. Dead!" I yell launching at him. Jack grabs my waist and pulls me back while Jerry is practically under the table. 

"Calm down. I'll go get more." Jack says. He lets go of me then turns to leave. Only to turn right back around and look at me. 

"I'm not doing anything. Yet." I tell him. 

"Yeah okay. You're coming with me." Jack says, grabbing my wrist and taking me with him to get food. 

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