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~*~Seven Years Later~*~

~Kim's P.O.V.~

Emma is grown up now and it makes me feel old. She's sixteen, Mason's ten, and Saige is seven. I miss the days when they were young. Even if they always made me super tired.

"Lunch?" I question.

"Yep. Bye mom!" Emma says as she runs out the door to meet Wes. I still don't like that boy. Mason and Saige follow her out and they all walk to school.

"I don't like Wes. He's Shane's kid." Jack says as we both watch Emma and Wes walk away with Mason and Saige following.

"I don't trust him. One day, Emma will come and tell us he works for his dad. Then what?" I ask.

"Then we go all ninja on him." Jack jokes.

"Not funny." I laugh.

~*~Six Years Later~*~

~Jack's P.O.V.~

Emma's wedding. I can't believe it.

"Daddy, quit crying." Emma laughs.

"I can't. My baby girl is all grown up." I tell her.

"But I'll always be your baby girl." Emma tells me. As I walk her down the aisle, I remember the times when she was a little girl. I remember how me and Kim both thought Wes was gonna break Emma's heart. But later on, he turned his dad in and became a member of the spy team. I'm gonna miss having my daughter's name be Emmaleia Mackenzie Brewer. Now, it's Emmaleia Mackenzie White.

~*~Four Years Later~*~

~Kim's P.O.V.~

I just got a call from Emma. She's pregnant. Mason moved out last week so Saige is the only one of our kids left. And she's fifteen.

"Jack, Emma just called and... she's pregnant." I smile.

"That's great." Jack smiles.

"Wait, Leia's pregnant?" Saige asks walking into the room. Saige was close to Emma even if they fought as kids. She wanted to call her something different than everyone else so she chose the last part of her name. Leia.

"Yep." I confirm.

"I wanna name it!" Saige immediatly called.

~*~Two Years Later~*~

Emma's baby was a girl. She was named after her sister, who ended up dying a month before she was born. Jack and Kim were devastated to find out Saige had been killed in a car crash.

"Saige! Grandma wants to see you!" Emma says as she walks into her parent's house.

"Saige!" Kim says as the toddler runs up to her.

"Grammy!" Saige smiles. Saige Kimberly White. Named after both her grandma and sister. So, in conclusion, everyone lived happily. Even though Saige Gabriella Brewer was never forgotten, they all lived happily. Even Mason found a wife and had a son. Who he named after the greatest American spy. Jack Henry Brewer.

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