Someone is watching

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Elias started feeling better, and I made sure I went to school. Yeah, I don't need to get grounded and not see him. That would suck.

The problem is I had this feeling someone is watching me. I couldn't explain it or shake it. After seeing Tim Wilson at the apple orchard, I became unnerved. Then Deacon mentioned he saw Tim across from the school, and I noticed him in the parking lot. I didn't know if my mind was playing tricks on me.

"Are you planning on learning from the car?" Deacon asked.

I looked at Deacon with confusion. "What?" I asked.

"It's time to get out of the car and go to school," Deacon mentioned.

Gia looked at me like I lost my mind. I got out of the car and shut the door.

"What's up with you? You seem like you're on edge," Deacon said across the car.

"Do you feel like someone is watching you?" I asked.

"No, because who would watch me?" Deacon questioned.

I gave Deacon a strange look. Gia laughed. We walked towards the school.

"You're on edge because Elias is recovering," Deacon mentioned.

"Elias being sick has nothing to do with feeling like someone is watching me. Plus, didn't you mention you saw Tim across the street from the school?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't get a chance to ask him why. Grayson showed up," Deacon replied.

"Why was Grayson here? He doesn't even go to our school," Gia mentioned.

"Something about bonding or some shit like that. With Grayson, you can never tell. He and Nash are like toe fungus, showing up when you least expect it," Deacon told us.

"That's gross," I said.

"Imagine being related to both of them. My family is nuts," Deacon said, making us laugh.

Deacon and Gia entered the school, and I glanced around as I caught Tim standing in the distance. He stared at me with a scowl. I hurried into school. I know people would think I'm making too much out of things, but I wasn't. I had a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I made my way to my locker, and Deacon looked at me with concern.

"Why do you look like you want to hurl?" Deacon asked.

"I saw Tim," I said.

Deacon arched a brow as I put my bag into my locker. I grabbed some books and closed my locker door.

"I swear I'm not making this up," I added.

Deacon looked at me, and I sighed. I don't know why Tim was lurking around the school, but it unnerved me. The worst part is it's like I'm crazy, which I'm not. I hadn't talked to Elias about it since he's been sick. I didn't want him to worry while trying to get better.

I walked to class and noticed posters for homecoming. I stopped and stared at one as I thought about the past homecoming. Bradley took me, showing me off to everyone. Most girls would love it, but he made me feel like an object. I became a trophy for him. I made a face and stuck my tongue out.

"You know if you keep making that face, it will get stuck," Oliver mentioned.

"Shouldn't you and the psycho twins be getting into trouble?" I questioned.

"Nah, they're busy harassing some poor slob."

I sighed.

"Why don't you ask Elias if he'll take you?" Oliver asked.

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