Star-crossed 4

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Part 4: Problem

When the morning came, the day promised to be long and perilous. Twilight had sent a letter to Princess Celestia as soon as Spike composed himself enough to mail it through his flame. Rarity was resting in the hospital, but fortunately, her condition was stable and she could leave that afternoon after some preventive examinations were done. Her neck presented dark bruises that her light coat did little to hide, along with several other bruises and scratches from when she was tossed back. Her mane was a frizzy mess of static that made her fret self-consciously, but otherwise she only sustained lesser burns that could be compared to a day at the beach without sun block. However, the shock of electricity was very painful and her every muscle still ached, as the attack was designed to cause paralyzing pain, rather than permanent damage.

Spike stayed by Rarity's side the whole time. Her parents and sister had gone to see her as well as her friends. Twilight fussed nervously, impatiently waiting for Celestia's reply on this troubling matter. Fluttershy cried, Pinkiepie tried to cheer the atmosphere with cake and Rainbow Dash offered to hunt down and beat up the strange metal pegasus that was still at large. Applejack had rushed over with Macintosh and Apple Bloom insisting on following her. Scootaloo arrived as well and they all made Rarity's hospital room very crowded.

Nurse Redheart came in to get Rarity, with several ponies wanting to go along with her. After some insistent assurance from Rarity, most of her visitors finally agreed to just let her get the tests over with and rest. With some difficulty, she managed to convince her parents to go home, as she was now guarded by the other elements of harmony and a strong dragon, and thus was as safe as she could be. All she needed was to rest.

After Rarity's parents went home, Macintosh exchanged a few quiet glances and even fewer, but well meant, quiet words of reassurance with Twilight and returned to Sweet Apple Acres along with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell. They had offered to help out around the orchid, since obviously Applejack would have other matters on her hooves for the time being.

After Rarity's tests were done, she was allowed to go home to where she was accompanied by the holders of the elements of harmony and Spike. Though they intended to let her rest, she refused. "There is a monster out there," there was a slight tremble to her voice as she insisted. "I'm alright, just a little tired and sore, but it's nothing serious. This is something that must be addressed right away." The thought of her Spiky-wikey, her friends and her home in danger was something Rarity couldn't bear.

Before anyone could argue with Rarity, Spike felt an incoming message. He manifested the rolled up parchment enclosed with the royal seal, as it came directly from Princess Celestia. He unrolled the letter swiftly as all eyes stared at him, waiting to hear what the princess had to say about Twilight's report concerning that night's incident. "To my faithful student, Luna and I will shortly be arriving at Ponyville, please gather your friends who wield the elements of harmony and meet us at the town hall." Celestia's usual royal signature was imprinted on the bottom of the paper below the startling message. "That's... that's all it says..." Spike voiced with a million thoughts running through his mind. If Celestia needed to speak to the elements of harmony in person with enough urgency to make the trip to Ponyville herself, rather than waiting for them to go to Canterlot, this had to be big. Furthermore, both princesses were coming.

"Let's go," Twilight quietly prompted them out of their silent shock, leading the parade out of the Carousel Boutique and towards the town hall.

As they went, ponies dashed out of the way in the streets, whispering things about a 'monster' or 'beast' and some even dared to quietly voice the word of 'murder.' Further stressed by the town's unease, the six ponies and dragon quickened their pace until they were running towards the town hall.

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