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Part 5: Mystery

"Happy new friends party to you!" Pinkiepie's voice hit a high note as she reached the end of her song. "Are you happy? Are you happy? Did you get your memories back?"

Mystery shrunk back like Fluttershy. She wasn't as meek as Fluttershy, but Pinkiepie was able to overload just about any pony. The enigmatic white unicorn had a blue mane in a very similar style as Twilight, except it was all one color, a deep royal blue. Her eyes were deep near-black brown that made the irises and the pupils blend in visually. Her coat was ivory just as Rarity's was.

Her cutie mark held a seven pointed blue star with a zig-zagging light blue line inside it. Around it there were what could have been little sparks, some lines and others tiny circles. Pinkiepie thought they resembled miniature mozzarella sticks and cookies. Twilight thought they were ones and zeroes, thus encouraged Mystery to take a math test, albeit the results disappointed the purple unicorn, as Mystery's mathematical skills were barely average at best, and certainly no where near Twilight's own.

Mystery seemed content enough listening to the tales Twilight shared, to try to help her get to know the group and thus establish a friendship with them, that would hopefully help her recover. That make Twilight think she might have an interest in stories, thus books, but she seemed to lack the patience for them. "Are you sure you don't know of a spell to make the books talk? For some reason, I was sure these things could talk. Sorry, I just don't like reading; I wouldn't mind listening to more stories though."

The reaction of the newcomer only made Twilight more confused. How could she have such a liking for stories and such bored disdain for books? Perhaps where she was from she had someone who read to her, or the people there really did know a spell to make books talk. It was possible since she came from the future. It was too bad she couldn't remember it; Twilight would have loved to hear about the latest developments and discoveries of society.

Twilight's failed cutie mark deciphering experiments prompted Pinkiepie to test her theory and drag the uneasy amnesiac unicorn to Sugar Cube Corner. Mystery certainly loved to eat sweets and happily partook in that, but her baking and cooking skills were well below average. By then Twilight have come up with another theory concerning Mystery's cutie mark, as the group hoped to help the unicorn find herself by remembering her talent. As the cutie mark vaguely resembled Twilight's own, a magic test was in order. Mystery proved to be skilled in magic, but not significantly more so than a fairly talented or well practiced unicorn. She was good, but not quite at the level of Twilight or even Trixie, thus it was concluded that magic was not her talent after all.

Rarity thought that maybe the lines and circles were rectangular and circular gems with the rest of the cutie mark representing the glitter of jewelry. Mystery did enjoy the creation of jewelry under Rarity's guidance. She certainly wasn't as bad as Twilight with such labors, as the nest incident Rarity once dreadfully witnessed during winter wrap some time ago proved. Yet Mystery was still at an average level of skill.

Bucking apples only seemed to tire out Mystery after just one buck and cause her to take refuge inside the Apple home, expressing her dislike for the bright sunlight, the trees and the outdoors. Though Applejack wasn't exactly happy with the discovery, at least they knew what Mystery wasn't good at. Racing was definitely not her forte either, as Rainbow Dash eloquently concluded by claiming that she had seen faster snails. Although she might have been exaggerating, after Applejacks and Rainbow Dash's reports, it was safe to rule out sports as a possible talent. Not that Twilight understood why such testing was done in the first place if Mystery's cutie mark didn't look like anything sporty anyway.

The day was long, especially for Mystery, who seemed more so interested in fleeing Ponyville than recovering her memories. It all culminated with a party arranged by Pinkiepie, who sang and cheered while Fluttershy's shy voice was lost in all the noise. "Girls... I think she needs some room to breathe," the quiet yellow pegasus suggested.

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