Chap. 1

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-Your sitting on your couch watching a movie at your house alone. You here your front door fling open, and saw your friend.-
Y/F; omg! Y/N! guess what i got!
Y/N; huh what?
Y/F; i just got invited to the party from the guys at school!
Y/N; what why?
Y/F; he just came up to me and told me to come to his party and gave the address, and we should totally go!
Y/N; what no way! i'm not going!
Y/F; What!? Yes you are! it's today at 6! and im not taking a no for an answer we're going!
Y/N; what ugh fine.
-You didn't wanted to go at all but you did thought that u haven't been laid for a long time. So u took the advantage to get laid and feel relaxed.
you and your friend got ready till it got to 6. you wore a tight black short dress and your friend wore a a red tight dress. You did your makeup and got your hair done and waited to 6-
Y/F; i bet you will find someone cute!
Y/N; what no way!
Y/F; oh yes!
Y/N; maybe i can because i haven't gotten laid in a long time! and i want to feel satisfaction.
Y/F; oh you will find someone!
-it hit 6 and you and your friend walked out the house to the party that wasn't really that far? you got there and saw that people were already there passed out or making out and drinking. you entered the house and saw a crowded of people dancing. Your friend lead you to a small place just to sit.-
Y/N; it's really crowded in here!
Y/F; yeah your right don't worry i know someone here that will help us!
Y/N; what who-
-You saw a tall guy with light down hair looking down to you and your friend-
??; ah Kira you made it. (your friends name)
Y/F; yeah i did and i invited a friend
??; oh hello, i'm Kasuma.
Y/N; oh i'm y/n
Kasuma; ah that's a really pretty name you got there.
-you smiled and you thought he looked really like a jerk and looked so much of a f-boy..but you thought wrong-
Kasuma; anyways one you ladies want a drink?
Y/F; ah yes i do! y/n you want one?
Y/N; oh no i don't! but thanks!
Kasuma; not such of a party person i see.
-you ignored him and you saw that your friend already left with him to get drinks. you were alone on the couch just looking at your phone.
-A few minutes passed by and your friend hasn't came back!? you called her but she wouldn't answer. and you thought she's with him probably doing something. "ugh she always does this". you just looked at your phone and a couple came and fell on the couch while they were making out looking like they were eating each others faces. you looked uncomfortable and tried scoting more to the edge, and someone came towards you. he had blonde hair with a undercut of black, and wearing a black tanked shirt with black ripped jeans with chains-
??; you looked uncomfortable -he chuckled-
Y/N; oh um yeah..
??; come on you let's go somewhere
-as you nodded your head to no because you didn't even know him even though you really wanted to go-
??; ah come on i don't bite
Y/N; yeah yeah i'll go then
-as you got up, he looked at you up and and down and looked like he saw what he saw. you followed him to the kitchen where not a lot of people were there-
??; anyways i don't get your name?
Y/N; oh um i'm y/n.
??; wow pretty, but my name is Terushima.
Y/N; oh okay..
-you were uncomfortable because there wasn't really much talk, and he kept looking at you-
Terushima; anyways why were you alone?
Y/N; oh i'm not i'm here with a friend, but i guess she went with a guy.
Terushima; damn she just left you
Y/N; n-no, i guess she just went to hook up with him
Terushima; yeah yeah
-as he laughs you saw a shiny thing in his tongue of a tongue piercing.-
Terushima; anyways i just wanted to help a fellow guest, but got to get going. until next time.
-as he gives a smirk, you just stood there as he leaves. you were thirsty so you got a bottle of water next to you and a pack of chips. you were eating as you heard someone yell out "Hey who wants to play spin the bottle!" as you were interested you walked there. and saw a circle of boys and girls. and saw Terushima with a girl and leaning all on her. you sat next to a girl and someone stated stating the rules-
??; ok ok that's a lot of people than i expected!? but anyways this is spin the bottle and the rules are who ever you land on, you have two choices! the first choice is a normal 2 min make out or 7 min in a closet together and do what you want!
-as he read those all the people got exited. as he stated to form a circle, you sat with the same girl and a other girl next to you in the other side. as the bottle spins it landed to random of two people and most of them choose 7 min in the closet. you heard bangs and other things. as the last couple went with a 2 min make out, as it ended, it was Terushima turn, as it spins you looked at the ground. when it slowed the spining, it landed on you. witch you looked at the bottle then turned to Terushima having a smirk. you looked annoyed. as he was about to say 7 min the closest. you shouted a 2 min make out because you don't even know him-
??; ok ok i'll put 2 min for you two to make out!
-as Terushima looked quite annoyed, he went towards you and sat next to you.-
??; ok ok as i say go you two have a make out!
- as you waited for the 2 min you just looked at the ground, as you spot Terushima looking at you. The person said go and Terushima lifted up your chin and started making out with you. as you were making out you felt his tongue enter your mouth with feeling this metal ball swirling in your mouth going in and out. as you follow him too. he gave a soft chuckle, while still going and holding your face towards him. and pushing your body towards his. you don't want it to stop as you feel a warm sensation down there and getting wet and your panties getting wet. Then you hear the person say "1 more min left!". you felt a hand go through your thigh and going up and down, giving you chills, and saw that it was Terushima's hand doing that. As he was getting close to your spot, your hear the person say "Times up!". As Terushima Pulls away and felt wet all your face, as he wipes his face of saliva and as you were about to say something, he wishers to your ear " you tasted good but i would want to taste something else too", as he looked at your spot. and that gave you chills, he got up and sat where he used to sat.

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