A bloody secret

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It was 9:00 at night and Vic was wondering "I wonder why we've been making more money recently,....well,..lynx had been coming home kater so he's probably just working overtime." Little did he know.

Lynx was being handed a stack of money by a tall shady man. As he was walking back to his car to go home he began to think, "it was the right thing to do to join the mafia family around here, right,....?" Lynx wondered what could go wrong. Lynx pulled up to his driveway when he realized that he still had a blood stain on the collar of the shirt he was wearing. He freaked out "shit..shit..shit.,.....what if Vic sees this?!" He tried to calm himself down and just did an awkward pose where he put his hand on his neck and did a little smile. When he walked inside Vic stormed him with hugs and a "OMG AWKWARD LYNX IS BACK😍😍😍" here and there. When lynx said he was gonna go shower he felt calmer "ok it's fine,.....I'll keep the suite in here until I have to do laundry tomorrow."   

The next morning lynx woke up much earlier then Vic and immediately put his clothes to wash. He still needed that suite because it was dear to him, it was the only suite Alex had left him with. It was 4am so he hopper back into him end vic's shared bed and slept for another 4 hours until about 8am until the two work up and made breakfast. Lynx got ready for work while Vic got the kids ,pandora and swaggy, out of bed and ready for the day. Lynx went to work and had a normal day, until 6pm. It was the end of lynx's shift and he got in the car and drove 20 minutes downtown. The same sketchy man from before was there and gave him a list. The list was a hitlist. Lynx questioned him and said "I'm not an assassin, why are you giving me this?" The sketchy man "our assassin got hit,..we need you to fill in his space while we try to find a new one." Lynx reluctantly agreed to fill in the spot until they could find someone else. The scary thing is,.......he knew one of the targets.

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