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"You don't expect me to take you seriously?" I spat now getting aggravated with being put in this situation again.
"My intentions are only honorable," Liam replied calmly stepping in between me and the door, "With the reputation of the East King, you must understand where i'm coming from." He pleaded now grabbing my arm.
"Let go of me Liam," I sneered snatching my arm away from him and ripping my dress, "Fleeing my people and becoming your runaway bride is nothing honorable in the slightest."
"But marrying a blood hungry tyrant is?" He yelled back grabbing the small study table I was standing behind and throwing it across the room. "It's a death wish princess," He snapped grabbing me and pushing me up against the wall, "He will destroy you and this kingdom just like he's done the others."
"Let go of me!" I yelled under his large frame pinning me against the wall. My small body was no match for his arms leaving me stranded under him.
"No you need to listen to me princess," He whispered in my ear, "You were promised to be my bride not his. I don't like when someone else gets what is mine."
"It's not my choice and you know that," I hissed feeling bruises start to form along my wrist. "The decision was made by my father for the good of my people!"
"Forget the people!" He yelled dropping me to the ground, "They are selfish and filled with greed. They only want what ever is next in front of them."
I looked up at Liam barely recognizing the boy I once knew. The sweet voice that once belonged to my best friend was now gone and replaced by the venom of the battles that consumed him. His eyes were clouded with his own greed and selfishness, out to claim what he felt the world owed him.
"Your opinion of my people isn't one that I long for," I sneered at him, "You know nothing about anything other than war. War is selfish costing everything from everyone for its own personal gain. War is greedy asking for blood of those just trying to protect what little they have worth protecting!"
"Like you know war," He spat at me in disgust. "You are nothing but a trophy in the palace."
"And yet you call those around you greedy ," I remarked standing up, "But here you are looking for another medal for your own selfish desires ." I was livid at him for demanding such things from me. He knew what I had to do.
"You were my best friend Liam but we aren't children in the gardens anymore," I argued throwing my hands up in the air, "Things have changed since you left. I have changed!"
"Even if that was the case then why," He asked running his hands threw his hair in annoyance, "Why don't you fight for me?"
"What do you thing i'm doing?" I argued fixing my dress, "Marrying the King will save more that just my people."
"And how is that?" he asked resting against the bookcase, "Yes you will no longer worry about war in your country, but how do I know he won't attack mine?"
"I don't know how but i'll stop him," I answered playing with the seam of my sleeve where Liam so angrily ripped it. "I will be the queen after all."
He didn't look convinced with that answer, but instead turned his back to look out onto the balcony. I stared at him trying to recognize all the changes that has happened to him since he left. He was taller of course, and was in pristine shape from the battle field. His face had aged ten years in the last five, and earlier when he grabbed me I noticed his arm was laced with scars. My heart broke for the boy I once knew. The boy who I would wait weeks for to come and visit me while our mothers talked in the gardens. But now? Now like the rest of the men that boy was claimed by the war.
"I won't be able to see you again," He spoke almost as if he was talking to himself. "I have no desire to have a relationship with a married woman."
"If that is what you wish for," I replied calmly with him still turned away from me. The thought of him not wanting to see me stung, but I knew if this marriage was to take place it would probably happen eventually.
"Will you be at the wedding?" I asked nervously.
"The wedding?" He repeated still not turning around, "I will not torture myself of watching someone else be in my place at that altar." He still wasn't looking at me.
"Well in that case I guess we should say our goodbyes," I stated still not taking my eyes off him.
"I suppose we should," He replied still looking out the balcony. I watched as he took another deep breath running his hands threw his hair before turning around to look at me.
"Goodbye Neera." He spoke just above a whisper as he looked at me. I pressed my lips together unable to move in fear that I might cry. I watched as his gaze soften before stepping towards me and taking me into his arms.
"I'm sorry Liam," I cried softly into his chest. He kissed the top of my head still holding onto me almost as if he too feared what happened next after we let go.
"Please don't cry Princess," He whispered into my hair. I looked up at him, my face stained with tears. I wanted to look at him one last time before I would never see him again. I wanted to memorize every feature, every mark so that I will still be able to see him when I close my eyes.
"In another life," I whispered looking up at him, "We wouldn't have to let go."
He smiles softly moving the hair out of my face. "In another life my love," He whispered, "I would have the words to tell you to stay."

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