Chapter 1

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[A hollowed heart]

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[A hollowed heart]

The wheather was too hot that day. Taehyung was drinking his ice chocolate while standing infront of a fan in the waiting room. Seriously, he has always hated this kind of hot weather. His skin would never be able to cooperate with him on this weather.

"So hot hyungg," whinned Taehyung. Namjoon could only rolled his eyes and let out a smirk of amusement. He was the only one who took Taehyung's whinning as cute, the rest of the members found it a bit cringy.

"Tae don't stand infront of the fan, you'll get sick," said Namjoon.

"It's okay hyung," said Taehyung. He danced around without a care in this world, letting the wind blow his hair as if he was shooting a new music video.

"Haish, this kid," sighed Yoongi. Not in annoyed manner but instead in amusement.

Soon after, the maknae of the group joined his beloved hyung. He stood infront of the fan next to Taehyung and danced together with him. He spun Taehyung around, he held him by his waist and swayed around.

"Hahaha, kook-ah, hahaha" Taehyung laughed out loud when Jungkook began to spin him faster.

"Woohoo," exclaimed Jungkook in teasing manner. Really, they just enjoyed each other's presence since both of them live with a childlike soul.

The members could only look at that with eyes filled with amusement and adoration. The older members only needed to wait for Jimin to return from the toilet and it would be complete. The three musketeers.

And sure enough when Jimin returned, he joined two of them with their little dance. The hyungs did not understand where on earth did the maknae line received all those energy.

"Woooo~ Taehyung-ah!!!" Jimin yelled as he was spun around by Taehyung this time and Jungkook was just standing behind him swaying away all by himself.


The members went up the stage and performed as usual. Taehyung, as usual, ran around happily and interected with armies as best as he could. Taehyung, as usual, sang as hard as he could, danced as hard as he could. Taehyung, as usual, smiled as widely as possible, expressions on point. Everything he did, he did it as he usually does.

Abnormality came up when Taehyung was found looking around, confused, in the middle of the stage. No choreograph was needed during this performance, there was no reason for Taehyung to be confused, but he did.

He went around, fidgeting. Yoongi noticed this and observed Taehyung a little bit more before he decided to approach him. Taehyung kept looking at a certain spot. Yoongi followed his gaze and it was pointing towards Jimin who was singing and having so much fun with armies. Yoongi noticed Taehyung's behavior was getting weirder and weirder. He stuck himself to Jimin, not wanting to leave him.

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