Chapter 2

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[Here with us]

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[Here with us]

Kim Taehyung whinned about going out to eat dinner together with Yoongi, but Yoongi was too lazy to go out. He refused Taehyung outrightly and told him to leave him alone. He should really have gone with him instead. He should really be leaving with him instead.

Kim Taehyung whinned about the jjampong he had been craving to eat to Jin. He pouted and whined, "Jin-hyung, I want to eat Jjampong," he said. Jin hyung sighed and told him no. "I'm not in the mood Tae, it's so early in the morning. I'll make it for you for dinner tonight okay?"

Taehyung was a bit disappointed, but Taehyung understood. He smiled and enthusiastically nodded his head. Jin really should have cooked it for him this morning, since he wasn't sure Taehyung would come home tonight. Jin folded his hand and prayed, please save my little brother, please.

Namjoon was mad. He was mad at himself. His member had been shot but he knew nothing of how he had been and who had done it. He felt useless and hopeless. His brain had figured out in the ambulance, how severe Taehyung's wound was. Too much blood had come out of his body. Namjoon's brain reminded him that Taehyung would unlikely be able to survive. Namjoon does not have a religion, but he folded his hand and prayed that evening, to the angels that Taehyung believes in, to the God that rules over them. Please keep him safe, keep my brother alive.

Jimin was devastated. He was right next to him when Taehyung was shot. He had a feeling that he was supposed to be the target and not Taehyung, or else why on earth did Taehyung pushed him away? Jimin would be crying again by now if he could, but he just felt empty and tired. Please come out quick my bestfriend.

Hoseok and Jungkook, both were too sad and too confused to have any thought. They were staring at the door to the operating room, hoping the doctor would come out and informed them about the success of the surgery and how well everything was and there was nothing for them to worry about. But it had almost been one hour, no sign of the doctor, no sign of hope.


The news were out. Everyone was beyond shocked. The police began their investigation, trying to find out who had snuck in a gun into a stadium hall and shot the idol. The journalists and fans began to crowd outside the hospital. The world was filled with noises. The members were just exhausted.

Some of those noises were the noises of concern. Some of them were noises of curiosity and gossips. Some of them were just noises. The devastated members wanted the world to shut up for a second, because their lovely, cute and adorable Taehyung was fighthing the biggest battle of his life without them by his side.

The doctor finally came out of the operating room. Namjoon was the first to stood up and walked to him.

"How's it doc? Is everything okay?" He asked. Voice filled with anxiety, fear, panic.

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