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“Who are you?”


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― PUTTING MY HOOD FROM MY HOODIE ON MY HEAD, I CONTINUED TO PACE DOWN ACROSS THE STREET. Staring at the signs, Rosewood Ave. the place where I found myself  looking at something...a person who appeared in front of me. She looked angry as she couldn’t do anything, but stared at me. She could have been sending daggers into my throat if I wasn’t looking straight at her. I could see her angry as she started flying towards me as I screamed...but when I opened my eyes...she was gone. It was just a dream as I was receiving a call from someone. 

“Hello.” I say with the hint of my morning croaky voice as I was still trying to wake up from my terrible dream as I felt a pain on my side, like claws cut me. As I gripped onto my sheets and tears fell out of my eyes as I saw the cut heal on my body as I was still gasping to catch my breath. Taking off my sheets I could see that the cut and bruising was all gone….somehow. 

Getting up I continued to the small walk-in closet in my room as I grabbed a simple black tank top, my black hoodie, black boots, and dark blue jeans. As I thought it was a good idea to get a cup of coffee from the coffee shop that is across the street from the front of the apartment building. Finally grabbing my wallet and phone I headed out. 

When I walked down the street to the coffee shop I could hear this voice inside my head for a moment like it was someone speaking to me. “Help.” The voice said as I looked around to see where this voice was coming from, as it then stopped as people were staring and I knew talking about me as I entered the coffee shop and ordered me a black coffee and put some sugar in my coffee as I walked out questioning the voice, as it sounded like a younger girl than me who was scared...maybe even terrified. 

After arriving back to my small apartment that was once owned by my mentor I looked at myself in my mirror to see something dark, as my eyes started to bleed black as I touched them not feeling the black dripping from my eyes as I then punched it with my hand as it shattered and I could see the glass falling out of my healing hand. 

No more black blood looking was continuing as I still was phased by what happened, because my past might have been a bit shady but not too bad where I ever had that. But black blood like substance coming out of my eyes is a whole different story, and before I could even think about anything else something started happening around me. 

It was strange one moment I was in my apartment, and the next I was seeing someone in a black coat almost cloak entering a circus tent that looked older than me. Part of me wanted to say this was some sort of dream...but it was more of a vision as something was something wrong. 

Following the cloaked person I entered the strange tent seeing the person stop. Until the speakers started about ‘The Flying Graysons’ which I didn’t even know the name of. As I could see a sign with lightbulbs light up glowing the name on it, until the lights in the room started and I could see the acrobats the Grayson’s I presume in the air as the person stood there watching them. And everything in the act seemed fine until the cables started snapping and the two parents started falling down as the boy almost caught his mother, but they both fell leaving the girl screaming. 

Before everything started fading away I got a glimpse at her face, then I was back in my apartment seeing papers scattered on the table reading a postcard from Detroit, Michigan and a bus route to Detroit, as something within me told me just to say here, but another side was nagging in me to figure out if this is a clue to finding that person. A sign for something bigger than anything I have ever faced. 

But who is she? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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