10- Love Potion (Bruce x Scorcerist!reader

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· Red Petals from the latest bloom

· Something as sweet as candy

· A pint of purity

· Seeds of an immortal fruit

· Item of the person's heart

"Perfect!" You clasped your hands together and carefully cut the rose bud from the bush. You had finally found the rose needed according to the recipe. You had recently found a love potion in your spell book, and you had even planned to create it and give it to someone very special.

Bruce Banner.

You've admired him for a while, since the Avengers invited me as one of their own. His work has been a new experience. Bruce doesn't really believe in magic and while you have never witnessed a chemical reaction. We basically come from two very different worlds, but over the couple months you've been with the Avengers, yet your feelings for Bruce has grown. It's now one day before Valentine's Day and he hasn't shown ANY interest, so now you're getting really worried that he won't return your feelings.

But luckily you had found a solution! This love potion will fix everything! It'll be perfectly wouldn't be spending Valentine's Day alone this year!


You checked the roses from of my to do list, four more items. You carried on your way, something as sweet as candy? You rubbed your chin in question; there were plenty of things that were sweet. Cake, pie, cookies, brownies... but hmm, all those things have... SUGAR! Of course, sugar will make anything sweet, and even this possible relationship!

You rushed into the Avenger's kitchen where Steve and Coulson were chatting over coffee.

"Good Morning, _________." Steve lifted his mug towards me, Coulson gave me a nod.

"Hey guys! Got any more sugar?" You questioned, peaking around them.

"You're lucky we were able to save you a bit." Coulson held out the jar and you rushed out of the room, of course thanking them with a quick hug. Next thing on the list was "a pint of purity." Hmm, I couldn't think of anything that would-Suddenly, Tony walked past with dirty wine glasses.

"Tony!" You exclaim, catching up to him.

"'Morning, _______. What's up?"

"I was wondering if I could possibly have a pint of some of your pricey white wine." Tony gives you a quizzical look.

"I thought you didn't drink, especially in the morning." He placed the wine glasses on the bar counter, and grabbed a new one from the cabinet.

"Yeah, but I just need it for something special." You giggled as Tony poured you a glass," thanks! See you later!" I waved and looked for my next item, "seeds of a forbidden fruit." I knew exactly what that one is, a pomegranate! Just like the story of Persephone and Hades! I returned to the kitchen, no one was in there this time to question me about my collecting. I reached for the last pomegranate from the fruit basket and placed it into your bag. Last thing, "item of the person's heart." I can't really think of anything that is dear to Bruce, maybe his purple pants but I'm not adding that to the potion.

You entered his laboratory. The room was clean and organized; hopefully you would be able to find something. You searched through his drawers which contained chemicals or tools, nothing seemed of special value.

"Come on. What could he be hiding that's special to him?" I rubbed my chin in thought. Then finally it came to you! That charm you gave him for Christmas! That was it; he always kept it in his pocket!


I held the stone that I had hand craved and charmed for him, I stole it out of his jean pockets that he forgot to empty out, it was in the laundry bin.

You now had all the ingredients. You brought the items to my brewing table and placed the book on the holder. Your cauldron was ready for me to add the items. I carefully through in the rose petals, sprinkled in sugar, dumped the white wine and opened the pomegranate, taking three seeds. The mixture turned into an ugly green color, unsure and worried you closed your eyes and tossed the last item in. The now pink mixture let out a bubble that erupted into the air, creating a smoky pink heart.


You poured the love potion into a wine glass. It was Valentine's Day night and all the heroes were celebrating. You held two glasses, one red wine for you and another special one for Bruce. When you spotted him at the window you approached him.

"Bruce, I brought you a drink!" I held up his glass that barely bubbled.

"Oh, I'm not drinking tonight, _________." I frowned, disappointed, "Stark might have spiked it." You smirked, hehehe, he wouldn't even think it would be you!

"Aww please! I poured it myself!" Bruce rolled his eyes and took the glasses, clinking it with mine.

"Valentine's Day." We cheered and drank at the same time. Bruce gulped the whole thing and burped.

"Excuse me."

"It's all right... How are you feeling?" I quizzed, leaning in closer, but he backed away.

"Fine?" He replied and the two of you went to the bar counter to return your glasses.

For the rest of the night, Bruce and you only spoke about the casual things you two always discussed, science and nature of the world. By the time the party ended, Bruce and you parted; he hugged me and wished me good night. I hurried to my brewing table; hopefully nothing went wrong in the potion! He didn't even kiss me good night!

The love potion will have no effect if the person already loves you

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