1- Movie Date (Nova x Readerx Harry)

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{Hiya! Okay so this is a novaxreaderxharry fic. Reader has super powers, your choice)

You brought your tray over to your group of friends, plopping down right between Ava and MJ.
"I heard about Harry asking you out." MJ nudges you from the left.
"What were just friends." You shrug and bite into your lunch.
"What's happening?" Peter and Sam come up behind you with their trays.
"Um, nothing." You turn back to your tray.
"Harry asked out our friend here for a movie tonight." MJ tells the guys.
"A movie? With Osborn?" Sam's eye brow raises. You just nod.
"Something wrong about that, Sam?" Ava smirks, turning around.
"Pfft, no. Move over webhead!" Sam squeezes beside Peter. Ava and MJ trade looks and continue to eat.


"________, hey!" Harry runs toward you with a huge smile on his face. You closed your locker after pulling out your backpack.
"Oh Harry, hi!" You blush slightly and smile back to him. He shoves one hand into his pocket and used the other to sheepishly scratch his head.
"So, uh, tonight at seven is still good right?" You nod your head and try to avoid the jealous glances of the other girls.
"Right, my mom said it would be okay."
"Good, good. My dads picking me up today, I was wondering if you wanted me to drive you home."
"... And that's why I need a jetpack, Sam! Were you even paying attention?" Peter asked his friend who was watching you and harry discuss plans for the evening.
"Wait shut up! They're coming, act cool." Sam leaned against the lockers and crossed his arms, while Peter gave him a weird look. You and Harry walk by.
"Sam, I don't think I can walk home with you today." You say, feeling just a little bit bad, you're blowing off plans with your best friend. Sam walks you home everyday on his way to the tricarrier, but I guess the streak broke today.
"I'm going with Harry, I hope you don't mind."
"Yeah sure, go ahead. I don't mind." He act like it wasn't a big deal.
"Okay," you feel a little saddened that he didn't try to stop you from leaving. Harry takes your hand and leads you to the door.
"Wait, ______." You pause and turn around.
"I- no, don't forget scrapbooking with Aunt May tonight. She'd be disappointed if you missed out." Sam mumbled out. He didn't sound so sure.
"Wouldn't miss it, see you later!" You wave and walk out the doors with Harry. Once you leave, Sam sighs and unlocks his locker.
"Ohhh, I get it, you like _______!" Peter exclaims.
"Shut up! No I-I don't."
"You hesitated." Peter smirks.
"Okay, I admit it I like ______." Sam says in defeat.

"I knew it." Peter smirks.
"Yeah, well, don't go around telling people." Sam slams his locker shut and swings back back over shoulder.
"I won't." Peter puts his heads up, Sam turns and heads for the door like it wasn't a big deal.
~And to you (were going to be jumping back and worth a lot)~
"A limo?! Oh, wow." You stood outside Harry's limo.
"Oh, you brought a girl with you." The car's window is lowered to reveal Mr. Osborn.
"D-Dad? I thought you had to work." Harry says confused, his father gets out of the car and opens the opposite door.
"I was, but I thought I'd come today." Mr. Osborn stuffs his hands into his slack's pockets," I didn't think you'd have someone with you."
"I-I'm ________. It's very nice to meet you." You hold out your hand and Mr. Osborn gives it a firm shake.
"Can we get in the car now?" Harry complains and ducks into the limo. You follow him in and buckle up beside him. Mr. Osborn gets a call and picks it up.
"Yes, I'm heading over right now..." Harry looks out the window with a bored expression. You cross your legs and hug your books. You wondered o yourself if it was too late to walk home with Sam.

~And to Sam~
"Dude get out here! Costumes now!" Peter stumbled out of his desk, bumping his knee on the side.
"What's going on? Jugger-naut, Trappster, what are we up against." Peter held the phone between his ear and shoulder while putting on his Spiderman costume,
"Hurry up!" Spiderman opened his window and hoped through.
"Finally, Harry's picking her up around 6:30. We've got to catch them." Peter slips on his mask.
"Wait what? What are we doing?"
"To the movies, lets go!"
"I didn't sign up for this though!" Spiderman shoots his webs and follows our favorite buckethead.
"Right on time." Nova stopped on a roof of ________'s house. Harry was just arriving and you were running out the door, struggling to put on your coat.
"Harry, hi!" You call out to him and get into go Dad's limo.
"Follow them!" Nova yelled, but it sounded more like a command.
"Right, I'm coming."

You and Harry arrive at the theater, getting in line. You pointed at some of the upcoming movies on the poster showings.
"Keep an eye on them." Nova whispers to Spidey.
"Why are we doing this again? Wait is that Coulson? Is he on a date?" Spidey pointed to his principle/SHIELD advisor with one of the school teachers (this is my friend's OC Ms. Rogers).
"Don't look at them! They'll think we cosplayers or something. We can just say we just got back from a comic convention." Nova whisper-yelled.

Harry purchased the movie tickets for (movie title) and walked inside with you.
Once Spiderman and nova got they're tickets they hid behind a plant to spy on the couple buying popcorn and other treats.
"After all your SHIELD training you two hide in a plant." Coulson has an unamused look.
"Uh? Who are you, weird suited man?" Nova says with a very unnatural voice, waddling away from the plant, dragging Spiderman along.

You and Harry get seated on the very too row, lucky enough to get decent seats.
Nova and Spiderman are already in the theater, but on the ceiling rather than a seat.
"We should have gotten popcorn." Spiderman claimed.
"Once you do what I ask, I'll buy you some." Spidey snorts a laugh while Nova watched the couple from the top.
When the movie began, you and Harry were sharing a popcorn.
"So are you going to explain to me what exactly am I doing here?" Spidey frowned inside his mask.
"I want you to use your webbing stuff to knock over the popcorn."
"What I can't do that!"
"Come on just do it."
"Harry's my best friend, I can't do that."
"Come on webs!"
"No, I'm not going to do that."
"I'm begging you here man. I can't just let _______, go out with Harry and do nothing. I-I really like her..."
"You just admitted to yourself you like her and your just slightly jealous." Spidey pointed out to a serious faced Nova.
"Your not going to let me go are you?"
"Nope, until you spill the popcorn." Nova crossed his arms.
"Fine, but once." Spiderman shot one of his webs at ______'s popcorn bucket. He yanked his arm, causing the popcorn to be knocked over and fall on to _________'s lap.

You look to Harry. The popcorn spilled all over you, thankfully he was too engrossed with the movie he didn't see what a mess you were.

"Perfect, okay now the soda." Nova gave Spidey thumbs up.
"No, you told me once."
"Come on, just do the soda."

In the past hour, you were covered in popcorn, gummy bears, soda, and a couple other snacks. You were starting to this Harry wasn't really date material. So you covered yourself with your jacket, in hopes of less embarrassment.

"That was great! Thanks for doing that, webhead."
"Yeah well don't ask for me to do that again." Spiderman crossed his arms.
"I hope not, after this ________ won't be going out with him anytime soon." Nova zoomed out of the theater before the movie finished.
"Hey wait, it's getting to the good parts!" Spidey went after him," oh and the popcorn!"

At the end of the movie, Harry stands up and stretches while you stayed seated with your jacket covering you.
"You going to stand up?"
"Huh, oh, right, I have to go to the bathroom..." You quickly stood up, covered in popcorn and gummy bears sticking to you, some just tumbling on to the ground. Dashing out in embarrassment, carrying your food tray out you try to throw it away, but for some reason it sticks to your hand. After shaking it off, you rush out to the bathroom Inside, where the lighting is brighter there's something familiar about the white gooey stuff on your hand. You washed it away and stared at yourself in the mirror. Wow, were you a mess, cover in almost all the snacks. But it didn't seem right to you how Harry would have done this. Walking out after cleaning up, you receive a text from harry saying he had to go, his dad needed him for something.

"Thanks for helping me out."
"Your welcome, just don't make me do that again. Especially to Harry." Nova and Spiderman were walking back to their homes on the dark streets of New York.
"You idiots!" You appeared and jumped from a building, landing in front of them, "I should have known it was you two!"
"___-________, we can explain. Just don't kill us." You (insert what you do to them using yor powers, my OC frozed their feet to the ground.)
"What are you guys doing here?" Miss. Rogers asked, arm hooked through Coulson's.
"_______,Spiderman, Nova?"
"I was on a date. " You sighed, knowing you'd probably get in trouble for somewhat beating them up.
"Spiderman asked me out to watch a movie" Nova pointed to Webhead.
"What! Not I didn't you asked me to sabotage ____-'s date!"

(Okay! Ta da! I don't own characters just story! I hope you enjoyed make sure to leave a comment for a request! They are open!)

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