Chapter IV

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"Are you insane? What are you doing? You're supposed to be in class now!" Said Hermione with her voice rising higher within each word.

"Leave me alone" I replied almost unconsciously

"Maya Victoria Flower, get up right now!" She yelled "What's happening with you! Yesterday you ditched me and now you overslept on second day?!"

I was so annoyed with her at that moment. I don't want to go out of my room. What if I see Malfoy? Or how should I act when I'm around Harry? Like nothing happened? I'm such a bad lier and I'm sure he will notice my insincerity. He always does. I am so close with Harry and we are both able to accurately describe the emotions of the other person at certain moment.

I hated the I idea of having to see any of them today, but furious Hermione was standing above me and trust me I had no other choice but to get up.

"Fine, whatever! Just stop yelling!"
"Maya, it's too late to go on the first lesson anyway, can we talk?" She said calmly
"Well, yea I guess, what do you want to talk about Mione?" Not gonna lie I was sure she's gonna ask something sorta "is everything okay" which I absolutely didn't feel like answering right now. But she surprised me...

"It's about Harry..." She started "Are you guys on good terms?"

"Of course, why wouldn't we be?" I got so confused in a second.

"Oh, no that's just a question" she lied. I could tell.

"Hermione what the hell? I got up quickly. She's hiding something, I know that. But why? Doesn't she trust me?

Before I could say anything else, we both heard a loud, impulsive door knock. "What now?" I thought

Hermione went to open the door. It was Ron. Of course, who else could it be.

"Why weren't you guys on the first lesson!" He asked quickly. "Me and Harry were worried"

"Well Maya sorta overslept" she said it with some kind of reluctance on her face

"If that's such a problem you could have go! Nobody forced you to stay" I got irritated with her again. Don't get me wrong I love her, it's just her values and priorities are totally different than mine. She has to be everywhere on time. She has to have perfect grades. It's just not my cup of tea. If it wasn't for her bravery I bet she'd be in Ravenclaw.

"Whatever, you guys are weird" Ron stated "second class starts in 5 minutes and I don't know about you but I don't want to have troubles, especially not with Snape"

Hermione quicky got up and rushed to the door. Nothing unexpected.

"I'll be there in a sec, just have to get ready" I screamed so they could hear me. Then I slowly got up and got ready. I went for a pretty short skirt today. Just felt pretty confident for no reason at all.

Then I heard another knock. Harry Potter stood there. He smiled.

"Don't even ask, I overslept" I overtook him

"I know, I just passed Ron and Hermione" should've expected that I guess.

"Well, why are you here then? Isn't another lesson starting in like 3 minutes?" His smile fade away.

"I have to make sure you get safe to the class" he sounded so serious. "I'll walk you to there, shall I?"

"Well yea, you shall but it's not like my life is in any possible danger" I smirked "why so serious, Potter?" I was just joking around, but it was the easy way to make him annoyed.

"Just get ready and let's go already!" Yea it worked, as always. He gets so sensitive when you call him by his surname. Hope he'll forgive me later...

When we got to the class the lesson already started. Everyone looked at us confused. Then they started whispering. I normally wouldn't care but I saw that Harry was pretty embarassed.

"Maya, your shirt, its not buckled completely" he whispered to me

God, really? Second day! I'm such a mess. We were in a hurry so I forgot to check if... and then I saw Draco Malfoy staring at me from the corner of the class. I totally forgot that we have potions together! This just couldn't get more embarrassing. I could've stayed in bed. This day just started and it already was a huge disaster.

Malfoy looked at me miserably and raised his eyebrows. I looked away. "Better to ignore this boy, as much as I can" I thought.

Me and Harry joined the class and everyone seemed to move on from the situation and focus on learning. We just had to explain this misunderstanding to our friends.

Me and Harry were working on a potion together. He was analysing the recipe and I went to get the ingredients. That's when I heard the person I hated the most in this school.

"Guess you're sleeping with Harry now? What a surprise, oh wait - not really" said Dafne Greengrass and her two girl friends laughed pathetically. Pansy and Astoria, her two pets.

"Well guess you got bored with Cedric" she continued "How am I not surprised? Thought a Hufflepuff was the best you could do"

She referred to a rumour about me and Cedric from a year ago. We never actually dated. Just shows how obsessed Dafne was with me. Everyone forgot about the suspicions but clearly she didn't. Bad for me right? I hate when people bring my friends down when I'm around. I just can't stand to hear others assaulting them.

The only thing I wanted to do is punch that bitch so hard, she remembers not to mess with me anymore. But I calmed myself down. No more humiliation today. Let's leave some fun for tomorrow.

I grabbed everything I needed and started slowly walking back towards Harry. I have to admit that I couldn't help myself but to show her distinctly my middle finger while waking away. Sorry not sorry, she deserved it.

Later that day

The afternoon was coming to end, and after today's amazing experiences all I wanted to do was just go back to bed or somewhere where nobody could see me. I was so tired of everyone's eyes always being on me, judging my actions.

Right now I was just sitting in the library, waiting for Hermione and Ginny. I promised them that this time I will show up, so I had to hold on for few more hours. We were going to study for our History of Magic exam.

I was sitting and overthinking everything with my head in the book. I didn't even notice that someone sat down to my table in front of me.

"Erhm" he coughed

"Blaise?!" I flinched

"Chill out Flower" he looked at me with joy "I didn't come here to scare you, or did I?"

"Oh shut up, what do you want?" I raised my brow.

"Oh just wanted to invite you to our Slytherin party" he smirked "guess you cant decline huh?"

"What? That's hilarious!" That was very unexpected "you just said it's a Slytherin party"

"We need a freak like you too keep the best vibes at the party"

I frowned my brow at him, showing exactly how annoying he was.

"Oh yea, you need to come, our party will be good for you" he smirked again. I rolled my eyes and kicked him gently under the table. He faked a reaction, simulating pain.

"One condition" I said with a huge smile on my face "I want to bring a friend"

"Pff sure, just don't bring Potter" he responded.

"Shut up, I wasn't thinking about him now" I said and then we heard Ginny's loud voice.

Blaise immediately got up and walked away. And I finished the day studying with the girls in the library. As much as I tried to, I couldn't focus. Why would he invite me? Was Dafne gonna be there? Was Draco gonna be there? I was kinda hoping for the second one, although I know I shouldn't continue "our thing". Something in him just kept me unsure. I didn't know if I wanted to hate him or if I wanted to love him.

Thank you for reading chapter V everyone! Hope you enjoyed analysing this mess haha♡
don't forget to vote guys, ily!

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