Chapter Eight

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Jenkins continues to stare at me eyes wide open and glued to my body. It feels great having him stare at me like that, practically speechless.

'' You ready? '' I ask with a smile.

''  You little snake, I knew this had to be a sham.'' he gets off my bed walking slowly towards me.

My smile doesn't falter even when he gets to me, right in front of me, malice written all over his face, my smile doesn't cease and he takes that as a challenge.

Before I can try to call for a truce, he picks me up throwing me onto my bed and immediately tickling the hell out of me.

'' Stop. '' I yell through the laughter. Trying to wriggle myself free from him but he isn't going to let that happen.

'' That will teach you to trick me.'' he tickles me even more.

'' S...sorry....'' I laugh '' I'm sorry.'' he finally lets me go and I have to catch my breath.

'' Okay, so now what am I gonna wear? '' he passes a hand through his hair.

'' You look fine to me.'' I tease looking at his grey sweatpants and black tank top.

'' Of course I do.'' he says sarcasm dripping down from every word.

'' Okay c'mon let's raid my dad's closet.'' I suggest and get off the bed.

'' Yeah, I'd rather go butt ass naked. '' he says

'' He has impeccable taste.'' I say and drag him to my parents bedroom.

'' Won't he notice that some of his clothes are missing?'' He asks as I open the door.

'' Doubt it.'' I say and walk into the room, a chill immediately runs past my skin. I hadn't been in here for a long time.

'' Wait, don't they have cameras in there.'' says Jenkins

'' Get in here! ''

After a short while, we get something that he feels comfortable in. A pair of dark pants and smoky grey V-neck long sleeved shirt. His shoes are fine so we don't get any of my dad's. He pulls his hair into one of his usual  messy ponytails and I'd be lying if I don't admit that he looks really hot like Manu Rios hot.

'' You still look hotter than me.'' whines Jenkins as we walk to the car.
I have on a black mid thigh plunge neck dress with with no makeup as usual and hair curly but a little messy thanks to his tickling session.

...her dress....👆

'' Don't worry, no-one at the club knows you. ''

'' Club?, we're not going to the party. '' he asks and I nod in approval.
'' I knew we were best friends for a reason, let's go get drunk. '' he yells and off we go.

We get to the club in about 15mins and by just judging from the outside I know we are gonna have fun. It's a three floor building piled up in huge grey blocks each stacked towards the end of the other. It also had huge windows that were flickering with light probably from the inside.

'' Place looks expensive.'' comments Jenkins as we head to the entrance.

'' Leave that to me.'' I assure him.

'' Well duh!, you thought I was gonna pay.'' he chuckles pulling me to the entrance.

After paying the huge entry fee we make our way in. I look down from the raised platform on which we stand, the dance floor is more packed than I expected judging by the fee.

People are grinding against themselves on the red dance floor while others are walking in to rooms all round.

'' Let's get some drinks first.'' suggests Jenkins.

We walk to the bar which is one the raised platform we're on and take some shots. Once we're tipsy enough we head to the dance floor. First I dance alone, just moving with the music while some girl grinds on Jenkins. Later, I replace the girl. I grind against him, his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him.

After a few rounds of dancing with him, some other guy hops into the picture. I dance with him for a couple of minutes but when he tries to kiss me, I push him off.

'' I need a  drink.'' I excuse myself

'' I'll  come with.'' he suggests and this just irritates me because I know he thinks I'll probably let him kiss me if he comes with.

I walk away, not bothering to reply and I just hope he gets the message. He's not even that cute. I head to the bar but my attention is quickly pulled by a glowing sign by the stairs.


I'm VIP material right? I straighten my dress, fluff up my hair and go up the stairs till I'm on the next floor. I spot an open door and walk to it but I'm stopped right as I'm about to go into the room. I look up at the bouncer guy using my best puppy dog eyes hoping they break him and he let's me in.

It doesn't but before I turn away to go, an arm holds my waist and then a guy speaks.

'' She's with me.''

The bouncer lets us in and I immediately turn hoping it's not the guy I was dancing with. It's not, it's some other guy.

'' Hey Alya. '' he says shocking me, how does he know my name.

'' How do you know my name? '' I ask folding my hands over my chest.

He chuckles.

'' Well, didn't really expect you to remember me. '' he says and I feel the irritation in me grow.

Just tell me who the hell you are!

'' Was I supposed to?'' I ask rudely and he smiles.

'' I was hoping you would.'' he replies

'' Okay, so who exactly are you?'' I ask hoping to get done with this and go have some fun.

'' Nate. Nate Fryxell.'' he smiles

'' Hmm...okay, so is that supposed to ring a bell or something.'' I ask and his confident smile drops fast.

That's right, I know how to play games too!

'' Just kidding,'' I beam, '' I'm actually really embarrassed cuz' I couldn't recognize you.''

'' Like I said, didn't expect you to. That night was pretty hectic.'' he says, leading me to one of the sofas in the room.

'' Thanks for that night by the way.'' I say with utter sincerity. '' And today, how did a guy like you get the privilege to just waltz into the VIP area of such a club. '' I say as we sit down in the sofas, him sitted across from me.

'' I don't know, guess it's one of the perks of owning the place. '' he shrugs and hands me a drink from one of the passing waiter's tray.

'' Yeah expect me to believe that a high schooler owns this place.'' I say raising my hands to emphasize my point.

He chuckles softly and looks away.

'' Very flattering but I'm not in high school.'' he replies and sips his drink.

'' College?'' I ask and he shakes his head. '' Okay, so how old are you?''


'' Your in college then'' I say

'' Only attended the first two years before I was called to take up my dad's business.''

'' So what was a 22 year old doing over at a high school party. '' I inquire. I thought he got my number from someone at school. So where the hell did he get it from then.

'' There is no right way to answer that.'' he shrugs with a crooked smile.


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