🌼chap 1 🌼

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🦋vamp pursuing my heart🦋


the aura of night always inspiring regardless of fact its the lone
black velvet only spreading over the whole cosmos. or it wear the
jewellery of moon and stars whose sparkle and seduce the cosmos
but sometimes the moon is lighless  perhaps the sun may refuse to
light his partner or the moon may tired enough from densely populated
cosmos that it prefers to rest. and stars tried best to lamp the
cosmos with their zero light.
from few days the moon seemed to big as whole universe can reside on
it and bright enough that every minor thing can be seen easilybut this
moon light seemed to fail to allure the counsil in suburb forests of
in a grand building today again counsil was called by their monarch
.the culprits were standing in chain by the guards. and a senseless
unconscious young body was lying on a soft rug seemed to be hanging
between devil of life and deep sea of death.the monarch was sitting on
his crown with distinguishing epitome but his aqua lens had clear
reflection of sorrow and failure.
there was a pin drop silence in counsel. no one had the power to ask
their monarch for calling counsel. The flickering candle lanterns the
black maroon set up of council room seemed to hold many secrets and
decisions .the doors of council room opened and suddenly a person with
medical box appeared and ran to body. checked his pulse and examined
his body then injected some fluid which seemed to be life saving
after injecting the fluid , the doctor stood and said" my majesty ,
the victim is safe now but next 1/2 days are important because he lost
his most blood though in such cases hemorrage is common but luckily
his body is strong enough that it resisted and he is now unconscious ,
after good sleep he ll back in senses but i repeat he need energy
which is possible only if he focus on his diet.i ll take my permission
to leave" the monarch nodded and doctor left.
then the monarch with sad voice said"it has been years and years we
have been residing on this cosmos. in beginning , we all vampires were
divided in different sects beside killing each other we killed wolves
and human beings so they accepted as their leader.but whats the use of
such killing which gave nothing but loss of love ones and
loneliness.but then a pact of peace and harmony was made between our
elders and from now on we are following it. but what you two has done
if human council suspect it then peace and survuval would be on verge
of fire again. i gave you all the medicine especially made after
centuries of experiment which is helpful in fulfilling your body needs
but what you did .
besides our blood bank has plenty of blood to fulfill your needs.
you two tried to drank this man blood. if I didn’t pass through that
route how i knew who is disgracing my whole community.
Ben Zelig , Jonas Zelig you both have disappointed me.
you both ashamed me a lot. if members of vamp council will
deny rules then how can we expect our community to follow our rules.
after  consulting with council, for breaking rules you are sentenced
for 100 years .
if any person either officials or nonofficial try to help these two,
then that person will be no more as well.
todays , young generation isn’t aware of our existance.we cannot show
our self to everyone but only to trustworthy .
we are supernaturals then it doesnt mean we arent questionable. our
responsibility is more than responsibilty of normal human. so from now
one if again anyone try to barge the rules then that day will be last
vamps, if you prove yourself noble in daylight then honor your
nobility in night as well .
henry lau , both guilts are in your custody.have an eye on them .
tangyi Thayer, check the pocketsof boy it may have any identification
card.   place  the boy in my car.seek safe place for him to drop. you
ll go with me.
tangyi thayer checked boy pockets and a black wallet found from back
pockets of jeans which he hand over to his monarch.
“the council is dismissed.”
the council members and representatives of community of vamps left the
council room.
after dismissing the council, monarch searched wallet and found a card
which showed name of  boy type alger .
the monarch remain seated alone on crown . His name was tharn Adolph
one of the youngest entrepreneur in germany whose hands had been
buried deep in every business of world. from construction to
entertainment , from weapon to agriculture
being heir of Adolph’s he rules the world business as Quasi Royale.
but only thing few people know about him is he belongs to vampires.
"majesty, boy body has been buckled in your car. " tangyi thayer informed
tharn adolph nodded and left the council.buckled incar and left the
suburbs and rushed towards berlin city. stopped by store and bought
some drinks and snacks and after carefully examining the city left the
boy in green area on bench near his apartment which is situated in
heart of city.and placed drinks and snacks on side of him and put some
money in his wallet and left quietly.
one thing which showed the genius persona of tharn he opened the lid
of beer can and placed it in boy hand  so he thought that due to
excessive drink he slept there.


thankyou for reading following
i am grateful
to be continued
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💝VAMP PURSUING THE HEART 💘complete💝 (tharntype) 💝by💝k.bunny💝Where stories live. Discover now