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🛸vampire pursuing the heart🛸


"tangyi" shaofei called him as he reached near the door to leave the Private dining area. "how you dare to insult me. don't you know just my simple blink, your survival will be no more." shaofei yelled. with hands in pocket of trouser, stretched his neck to right left as relaxing neck muscles " survival isn't worthy in my eyes . so don't dare to threat me with this lame excuse. if possible then think what have you done with me. shaofei, i am not kid who will smile without thinking the back ground. honestly, if you pierce my heart with dagger it was thousand times better than the way you try to play with me. a free suggestion for you if you are really in love for tharn, then find ways to pursue him in genuine way so that he feels your feelings. either its heart of human or super naturals, heart can be pierced but cant be forced to fell in love. i am always around you to protect you, to be a shoulder for you to rest but not a dummy of pass time. take care" tangyi said ,and left shaofei with heavy heart. with heavy heart, sat in car.  but before he sensed any danger, someone injected a needle in his neck . dragged him and tied with rope and put in trunk of car near and drove to unknown destination.


after drive of about 3 hours, car stopped near a cottage . the gate slides on recognizing the car and person. slide awsy for the incoming person. quickly left the car and went to trunk open it, the abducted was still unconscious. two more person on knowing the car arrival reached to help their colleague in shifting abducted person inside the house.after shifting inside and clipping the person with chains, three sat near him on couches. znd removed the masks. "finally, we did it" jiang said . "yuzhi, how much time he still remain umconscious " type asked. " not long he is about to wake. no need to transform in front of him.one thing remember about him he is master in hypnotizing so dont see in his eyes. we need him to release our people.after this , let him free or kill him is solely your choice type." yuzhi replied.  "see, he is awake" jiang Whispered and pointed to the body tied with bed. type quickly turned and wear mask . yuzhi jiang did the same practice.   walked towards the person . and stayed with arms at back. "finally you are in senses. don't try to change yourself because the medicine is injected in you won't let you do this. it will only give you nausea or heart attack.".yuzhi warned. seeing the three the man smirked " if you are so confident about your medics then why you tied me . let me free then see whether it works or not. " the person replied . then turned his attention to the person who was standing with close eyes near him. ghe tied person smirked and called person by name"type alger, do you think that mask can hide you from me. its not easy to mask oneself" . with a node of appreciation type freed his face with mask, placed in his pocket."happy, you finally guess me. i dont try to hide myself.  so, dont self appreciate your lame intelligence."  "don't feel pride on your success. its me who gave you chance to abduct me otherwise it was impossible endeavor for you. as i stepped out , i already sense Leo around me. on my single node, all leo could die easily but i just wanted to know who dare to step in my area. in short, if leos are agreed to die in harness then i am ready to fulfill their wish." the abducted man tangyi challenge the three. on listening the word of death, jiang stepped towards tangyi to punch him hard but was stopped by yuzhi and type. "calm down jiang, its their centuries old trick of vamp community to provoke their opponents just to prove that they are innocent and kill other communities in their defence. so, calm down.i don't like to waste time . i want to know where Zaligs are in black valley. help me to free them , i let you go " type offered.  tangyi laughed on listening the deal .
"what make you laugh. is this habit of mr tangyi of adolph group" jiang asked as doubting the mental condition of tangyi.
"i am just laughing to think that on whom i trust , on leo or on ridiculously fool innocent human being". tangyi told."what you mean"?type asked in bored accent . "you dont know the truth i am surprised. type alger, you are neither vampire nor leo.you are simple human being last descendant of the family who wrote peace agreement between humans and supernatural powers. due to this your family is highly respected by all. " tangyi ended. "what are you talking about . " jiang asked. "yeah, Jiang is right you are misguiding our pal. not easy to fool us. just to save yourself, you cant escape by these lies." yuzhi added.
"type, find the truth. i will make sure all what you will say." tangyi said in serious tone while seeing type who was just listening now the three with expression less face. "i will find way for zaligs but wont let you out from here".type replied then gestured yuzhi who from somewhere took out injection and injected in shoulder of tangyi. " but stunned by yelling of tangyi before he lost in deep sleep again"traitors disguise and play " .


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💝VAMP PURSUING THE HEART 💘complete💝 (tharntype) 💝by💝k.bunny💝Where stories live. Discover now