In my six years of being a taekook shipper obviously I have read a ton of taekook books and some of them being absolutely amazing. So me and my untalented ass decided why not do charity work and produce a compilation of some of the most mind-blowing...
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SYNOPSIS: ✎_Jeon Jeongguk was allocated into the Witness Protection Program after he was involved in a homicidal encounter with his baby daddy, Kim Namjoon. And Agent Kim Taehyung was assigned to protect him along with his son, Taemin, until the endeavor ended.
Will Jeongguk and his son live a new life after the matter is solved or will they refuge in Taehyung?
MY THOUGHTS: YALL ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS AUTHORS ON THIS APP RIGHT NOW OMGGGGGGG AJSGGSJSHSNNSHSNS IM LOVING HER BOOKS SO MUCH SKSKSSK AND THIS ONE I WOULD SAY IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITES UWU SO THE SYNOPSIS PRETTY MUCH EXPLAINS EVERYTHING THAT IS THE STORYLINE TAEHYUNG PROTECTING JUNGKOOK AND HIS SON FROM NAMJOON WHO IS KOOK'S ABUSIVE BABY DADDY yikes!!!!! AJHDGDNZHSAJHSNZ(im sorry Joonie but thats the plot sksksk) so yaeh thats pretty much it theeee author is so talented u really need to check her out If you still havent ( which i hardly doubt) but yeah she is one of those authors I really want to adopt but unfortunately can't anygays a girl can dream I guess🤧🤧🙂 KAY IMMA YEET NOW BYEEEEEE💞💞💞