In my six years of being a taekook shipper obviously I have read a ton of taekook books and some of them being absolutely amazing. So me and my untalented ass decided why not do charity work and produce a compilation of some of the most mind-blowing...
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SYNOPSIS: After earth got captured by aliens a group of young scientists moved to a spaceship where they now are trying to create a new species called e-humans.
When Taehyung finally succeds at his 666th try, he didn't expect his experiment to turn out the way it does.
MY THOUGHTS: YOU.GOTTA.READ.THIS.BOOK. I'm quite surprised how this book hasn't got more reads but anygays you know how I told u guys that the characters in the author's books are problematic and not quite likable blah blah blah and some other shit(which is true hehehe) well the characters, both jungkook's and taehyung's are quite interesting in this one😏😏 idk how to explain but I guess u r going to like them. The story hasn't reached its main plot yet but we are getting there. So yeah that's it I guess please please please read this book otherwise imma barge into ur house and spank ur asses yikes imma yeet now byeeeee💕❤️❤️💕❤️💜💜