Does it hurt? Phan #1

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So hey :P hopefully gonna be more than a couple of parts. Been wanting to write this for a while :3 okay. This part is dedicated to my friend Laura. She said I should write it so I did :3 I love you Laura x 


Dan walked in the door giggling, carrying TopMan bags. It was almost Christmas.  

"Phil!" Dan called through the apartment, putting the bags down onto the sofa and kicking his shoes off. A silence fell in the apartment. A horrible silence. Dan frowned and tilted his head round the door of Phil's bedroom. Nothing. "Phil?" Dan called again. He checked his phone. No messages. 

Dan checked every room. Phil wasn't there. He checked the balcony, nothing. Dan stumbled to the bathroom, rubbing his head. Where could Phil be? He went to open the door. It was locked. "Phil?" Dan rattled the handle. "Phil open the door!" He shouted, cursing under his breath. There was silence in the flat again. Dan hit at the door. "Phil!" Dan screamed, tears now growing in his eyes with frustration.  

The door opened. Had Dan been doing something wrong? It just opened. Phil hadn't unlocked it. 

Dan flung the door open and froze. A lonely tear fell down his cheek. Phil was lying on the floor. 


Dan screamed and ran towards Phil, picking him up in his arms. "Phil?" Dan whimpered, tears running freely down his face. "Speak to me Phil." He cried, shaking his head. 

Phil opened his eyes slightly, chocking.  

"D-Dan." He croaked, looking up at the younger boy. 

"Phil?" Dan repeated, his eyes widening as he spoke. 

"I'm sorry Dan." Phil whimpered, closing his eyes again. 

"No don't close your eyes Phil." Dan cried slapping Phil's cheek lightly, making sure he stayed awake. There were pills lying on the floor and a bottle if Vodka. Phil had overdosed. Phil opened his eyes again and smiled at Dan, tears building in his eyes. 

"I'm here." He whispered, before coughing. Dan gasped and sat him up, making sure Phil didn't choke. 

"Why?" Dan whispered, to shock to make many more words. 

"I couldn't take myself anymore." Phil whispered, closing his eyes again for a long blink. 

"Wha- what do you mean?" Dan whimpered, frowning at Phil. 

"I can't take this anymore. Please let me sleep." Phil whispered, closing his eyes again. 

"If I let you sleep promise not to die on me?" Dan cried, the tears still flowing down his face onto Phil's shirt. He wiped his eyes and looked down at Phil. He couldn't believe this was happening. Phil tried to take his life. If Dan hadn't come home at the time he did, Phil could be dead. The boy nodded and sighed, nuzzling into Dan's chest. 

"I won't die on you." Phil whispered, slowly falling into a deep sleep. Dan stayed awake, watching Phil's every move, every breath, making sure nothing happens.  

"I love you" Dan whispered, the last of his tears rolling down his cheeks. He closed his eyes, resting them and lightly sleeping.


Sorry it's only short. But yeah. Hope you liked it :3

Does it hurt? Phan (completed)Where stories live. Discover now