Chapter 2

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"Mom this bodyguard has no idea what she's doing."

"What's the problem, my dear?"

"Ms. Woods took my passport from the safe and she refuses to return it to me."

Ms. Griffin turned to Lexa and asked," would you care to explain?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Lexa replied, "If you trust me in my professional capacity as your daughter's bodyguard, there will be no explanation required on my part. Everything i do, whether your daughter is happy about it or not, is for her safety. However, to make things easier on the first day of our contract, I will explain. The issue lies in Clarke refusing to call me by my name. I have explained that using our names instead of formal address will make it less obvious that i am her bodyguard. However, Clarke is unwilling to cooperate and since this compromises her safety, i cannot allow her to go to Japan, where the risks are higher in a foreign country."

"I see," Ms Griffin looked from one woman to the other, her brows furrowed in thought. 

But Clarke was having none of this. "Mom, there's nothing else to say. This bodyguard is employed by you but here she is, telling us what to do."

"But she makes a valid point."

Clarke's jaw dropped. "What?"

"My dear girl, I instructed Ms. Woods to protect you. She's only doing her job, if you don't cooperate with her it is your own safety you are putting at risk."

"Mom, I don't need a high school girl following me around to protect me. She looks so weak and pale and-"

"Don't judge people simply by their appearances, my dear. Appearances may tell you some things about a person, by Ms. Woods is like an iceberg. What you see of her now is only the tip, get to know her better and you will find that you can trust her to keep you safe."

"I can't believe this mom. You're siding with her instead of me?"

"I am not siding with Ms. Woods, as your mother I have no reason to side with someone that is making my daughter unhappy." With a heavy sigh, Ms. Griffin rose from her chair and walked around her desk to Clarke. "My dear girl," she said putting her hand on her head, "I have always doted on you, I have always given you what you asked for because I love you. But just for this once, I ask you, as your mother, to trust me and the bodyguard I trust."

"Mom..." Clarke looked as though she has seen a ghost or a fairy from a fairy tale. "I..."

"I know you're a good girl. You'll listen to me this once, wont you?"

"But the bodyguard is-"

"She's here to keep you safe. She's not here to antagonise you on purpose. Please understand that."

Clarke bit her lip, an act that Lexa noticed. From her point of view, it was obvious the spoilt princess was struggling with herself about this. So although it did not please her to apologise, she stepped forward, looked Clarke in the eye and said, "perhaps I had come on too strong in the beginning. As Ms. Griffin said, I am only here to make sure nothing harmful happens to you. I apologise if I was too forceful in getting the message across. But please understand that I cannot, and will not, compromise when it comes to your safety. If I do, I will not be doing my job well."

Clarke's hard gaze had begun to soften when she apologised but hardened again when she added the last bit. This spoiled princess was certainly going to be difficult. But it was nothing she couldn't handle. 

"Fine, I'll call you Lexa if it's absolutely necessary. Now give me my passport," Clarke demanded as she stuck her palm out. 

"Thank you for your cooperation, Clarke." Lexa took the woman's passport from her back pocket and placed it on the outstretched hand. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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