16.) Do everything humanly possible not to get pulled over
17.) remember running people don't stop every second, so sleep in a bed when you can, but save some money by sleeping in you car...
18.) Try not get noticed
19.) I wouldn't even stop (for a motel, or food) until you where at least almost 2 states away from your home state
20.) If you use a pay phone make sure to bail right after the call ends... People could be tracking you.
21.) Do not sleep with anyone... You will get attached
22.) If you see someone you know slowly walk away
23.) While on the road try to stay as clean as possible so people don't think your homeless
24.) Try to stay away from drinking
25.) Do not get arrested
26.) Don't get into a fight
27.) When your at your pre-destination stay there for a while until the heat lets up.
28.) If the heat doesn't and you don't feel safe is the only time you can flee.
29.) Try not to seem socially awkward
30.) Don't befriend old ladies they can't be trusted
31.) Get a job if possible
*Burger Flipper
*Other small jobs
32.) Try to get a friend in law enforcement
33.) Doctors can't be trusted that much either
34.) If needed get a newer car
35.) When leaving tell the people you did meet that you A) are going to live with family. B) moving just because. C) Your going somewhere for school. Or D) you hate them
NOTE: I wouldn't do option D.
36.) Try not to give too much away about your self or your family... It's ok to tell some so people aren't suspicious.
*Fave Food
*Where your from (FAKE)
*What you want to be
*Favorite colors, foods, ECT.
*about you family (ALSO FAKE IT)
*pretend to be happy about your past
*make up stories if needed
35.) Dont tell anyone about your ninjas