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(Update update! Alert alert! This happened last night. I'm tired and hungry. )

I was getting my good sleep for todays school exams I have and I woke up to my dog sitting by my bed, staring at my TV.  She was resting in my room randomly,  she kept sniffing the ground by my TV area and whining while staring at it blankly.  My mom said she never seen her do that and she ran straight upstairs to my room only. It was strange,  she wouldn't leave and kept sitting there.

( it does say dogs can sense spirits and see things us humans can't see. )

I was confused, she kept getting up and getting closer sniffing around on the ground, as if someone else was in my room. Staring at my TV sitting in front of my view.  My mom said she was probably protecting me. What you guys think it was?

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