Chapter four: May

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Tony ran a hand through his hair, relieved that he had given up hair gel a few years back.

The wall was cold against his back where he stood and listened to the kids congested breaths. It had hit him about ten minutes ago that he had practically kidnapped the kid. He had immediately called his aunt and told her that she could come to the tower to stay with him.

She had work until late and wouldn't be getting to the tower until around eleven at night, it was currently three in the afternoon.

Which meant he had some time to kill. Mumbling to Friday to notify him if the kid woke up he headed to his lab.

"Tony! Hey wait up" he heard Cap call from behind him. The rapid succession of his footsteps grew louder until he slowed and kept pace with Tony.

"What's up cap" he asked, as they turned the corner to the elevator.

"I was training before and saw you bring someone in, I don't want to be nosy but I want to make sure everything's ok. He didn't look very well"

"Ever the gossip, and don't worry about it Cap," he pointed a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the kids room, "that's Spider-Man, met him today during an assembly. He's sick so I had Bruce check him out and make sure he's ok"

"Ah" Steve said, hesitating for a moment before asking, "could I talk to him, when he's better of course I don't want to overwhelm him...but I'd like to get to know him"

"Yeah, I'm going to talk to him first but I'll come get you when you can talk to him"

"Ok! Thank you Tony. So where are we going?" Steve made a dramatic show of linking arms with the engineer who tried to shrug him off but couldn't.

"I'm going to the lab"

"Well looks like I am too then"

Tony turned to look at Steve and he couldn't say no when he saw his smile.

It had taken the two a while to be alright with each other, after their history. But once they made up they became best friends. Even though Tony thought that term was childish.

"Working on anything new?" Steve asked as he took his usual seat at the desk on the wall. It has art supplies stacked all over it.

"Just the usual, Bruce and I have to put off our project for a little bit until we get the go ahead from the government because for some reason they get the final say in whether or not we improve the quality of life on earth" he shrugged. "How about you cap? Any new pieces you're working on?"

"No, I'm still finishing up the portrait of the team. Natasha's hair is tricky to get right" he said, gesturing to the huge canvas wrapped in plastic and laid to stand against the wall.

Tony walked closer to look at it, "well it looks really nice so far" he noticed a small space at the bottom right, "maybe if we recruit spidey you could put him there" he offered with a shrug. "It's your painting though so it's your choice"

"Eh, that might actually work, I was trying to figure out how to fill that space" he bit down on the end of the paintbrush in his hand.

"Well whatever you do I'm sure it'll look amazing, now if you don't mind me I'm going to upgrade the suit...again" he turned his back on Steve who was starting to unwrap the canvas. The kids aunt would be coming in about eight hours, and as much as he wanted to talk to the kid he wanted him to sleep too. Hopefully he'd let his body heal in his sleep.

——just a short filler chapter————

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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