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Aiko POV

I flew as fast as I could to my second home. I missed Magnolia. The sights the sounds and especially the people.

"Nice to see you Aiko!" A teller says as he waves above to me. "Nice to see you too!!" I yell back.

The sun was shining bright today, I knew it was all going to change. Alvarez was a coming and we couldn't stop it.

About 10 more minutes of flying, I made it to my destination. Sabertooth.

I transform out of my Angel for and knock on the door.

"Wait why am I knocking?" I ask out loud and walk in. And as expected....chaos.

"Hey look Aiko's back!" I hear Olga say.

The guild turns and rushes towards me. I'm being picked up and flung in the air. "AIKO!"
"Aiko we missed you!"
"Love the cut!"

Compliments were being rained upon me. "Thank you everyone!" I say.

"Aiko theres my best friend!" I hear a familiar voice. "Awe Stin- OH MY GOD!" I yell.

There before me was not the well...fit...Sting I knew but a rather rounder Sting. "God Sting I see you've been eating." I say chuckling out of nervousness.

"Oh yeah we had a food eating contest." He says slightly rocking back and forth. "I see that." I say tapping him, his body slowly rolls to the other side of me.

"Not that I didn't miss you all but where's Rouge?" I ask. I missed him the most, we stopped sending letters to each other for a while, the jobs me and mom went on became more dangerous and I had less time to write.

"He's upstairs in his room!" Lector says. "Thanks!" I remove myself from the grip of my former guild mates and make my way to Rouge's room. I quietly knock on the door and enter.

I walk in to see Rouge wet and with a towel around his waist. His black hair was now longer...

"Rouge.." I say quietly. He turns around shocked and looks at me wide eyed. "Aiko.." he says.

I run up and hug him tightly, I step back remembering he only has a towel on. "It's so good to see you!" I say looking into his dark eyes and holding his hand.

"How are you here, I just saw Nastu and the others about a day ago. He said something weird about Frosch" Rouge rambles.

"Wow I thought you would be more happy to see me" I say dropping his hands and I sit on the edge of his bed.

"Aiko I thought you were gone for good...you stopped responding." Rouge says as he goes back to the bathroom to change. "Rouge I've seen you naked." You call out.

"That's not the point Aiko, you've been ignoring me." He walks out now dressed and sits next to me.

"Oh my god Rouge no I haven't I've been busy and now I'm back!" I say trying to hold his hand.

"Aiko this is not how relationships work...there needs to be communication. Not me worrying if you were alive or not." He says removing his hand from mine.

"Rouge...I'm sorry....I can explain now I guess, there's also a reason I'm here at Sabertooth." I say almost getting side tracked.

"More business as usual." He says with a tone.

"Rouge what is the problem? I apologized! The world is literally in danger and your worried about our relationship." I say getting up and crossing my arms.

"Aiko....is a relationship what you need right now?" He asks me, he takes my hands and pull them close to his lips to kiss them.

I look into his eyes and melt, "I cant see myself with out you Rouge, but the Alvarez empire is coming soon and we need your help-"

He shuts me up with a kiss....and many more after that.


Your POV

You stir your soup around the bowl, it makes a slight scratchy sound as you hit the round edges of the bow with your spoon. You weren't really that hungry just worried.

You don't even hear the chair in front of you being pulled out and a big man with blonde hair sits in front of you.

"Laxus." You don't even look up, you could smell his scent from miles away.

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" He asks chuckling.

"Believe it or not I used to live here." You smile looking up at him.

"You looked sad, so I decided to say hello." He says. He grabs your hand, the one you were holding your spoon in.

"We really have to fight another big fight after a whole year." You say looking into his eyes. "That's the kind of lifestyle we signed up for sunshine." He caresses the back your hand with his thumb.

"It sucks though..." you say chuckling.

"If it makes you feel better, after this fight with Alvarez and Zeref supposedly. Why don't we get married...and retire. Maybe have another kid and just fix up your house, expand it and build a farm." He says.


"Aiko is 19 now, she's with fairy tail and she's a very skilled adult who will do Fairy Tail justice I think. There's nothing you have to worry about, we can put the fighting behind us and just live the rest of our lives out together." He smiles.

All you can do is kiss him, he kisses you back. "Marriage and retire." You say.

"Marriage and Retire" Laxus repeats your sentence the same tone as you.

"Let's get married." You say smiling, to your surprise Laxus pulls out the same ring he gave you during

He slips it on your ring finger and you smile. You know you had your reserves about marriage and Laxus, but he was the one that saved you and stuck by you all these years. Believe it or not you were one of the reasons he changed his ways. Your two's love ran deeper than anyone knows.

The happiness comes to a screeching halt after the air changes. It's darker more evil, you hadn't realize how dark it has gotten outside.

"It's time.." you says.
"One last fight sunshine..."
"One last fight."

Ahh we're getting so much closer to the end like I said I'm trying to drag this story out as long as possible! But don't forget if you
Love Attack on Titan I made a Levi fanfic! But as always thank you for reading!! ❤️

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