The begining

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(All credit go's to the creator on Achieve of our own I couldn't find there username after I went to write this please they did an amazing job)

The Taiga Mountains were always a sight to behold. They were ridiculously high and notoriously hard to climb. The trunks of the spruce trees could grow as thick as four humans combined. Fish swam through burbling rivers that snaked between mountains and foxes munched on the sweet berries that grew in patches. The mountains were vast enough to make anyone feel lost if they didn't pay close enough attention. If you were to stand atop the highest point you could find, it was unlikely you could catch even a glimpse of the next biome. The Taiga Mountains were indeed a sight to behold. And a perfect site to hide.

"Where the hell did he go?" George whipped around frantically, iron sword at the ready. His eyes, hidden behind his color correction goggles, squinted as the sunlight broke through the leaves of the now thinning trees.

"The trees, the trees dude!" Sapnap exclaimed, looking up nervously at the spruce trees that towered above them. They had done Manhunt enough times to know that Dream wasn't above ambushing them from the air.

Manhunts had become a monthly routine for the four friends. Dream was almost always the hunted and no matter how often they held their hunts, he was able to come up with new techniques that baffled the hunters every time. A few times in the past, they had tried switching up the hunters and the hunted, but it became clear that George, Sapnap, or Bad becoming the hunted resulted in a quick game over. Dream seemed to like being chased down anyway, so since then, their dynamic had stayed the same. After all, you don't fix what isn't broken.

As the two stood back to back scouting for their friend, Bad warily approached the end of a large cliff. He wished he had time to admire the breathtaking view before him but letting his guard down could prove costly. He stood by the edge, trying to catch a glimpse of the ground below him, staying a safe distance away to avoid falling.

The height was dizzying and Bad instantly shifted his stance to feel more secure. He squinted when his eye caught a bit of white peaking from just below the cliff. It wasn't snow but Bad couldn't get closer without falling and he did not have a death wish thank you very much! "Do you think he jumped off the edge?"

Sapnap reluctantly lowered his sword and joined Bad near the edge of the cliff, still giving the trees around him dirty looks. "Wouldn't be the first time that crazy son of a bitch has done it."


George ran up from behind and hissed at them. "Guys, look at the compass!"

The three peered at the compass held in George's hand. It was a bit battered after so many Manhunts and the glass had a few cracks here and there, but that wasn't what the hunters were focused. It was the red arrow that spun frantically in circles pointing in no discernible direction.

"He's not above us," Sapnap whispered.

Bad gulped. "So he must be..."

"Below," finished George, right before the ground beneath them gave way.

All three screamed as they plummeted towards the grounds, bracing themselves for impact.

It never came.

George opened his eyes and looked directly into a clear blue sky. "Am I dead?" He wondered before a hand in the face jolted him from his stupor.

"No, you muffin head," Bad sighed and lifted his arm that was covered in white string, "we got caught in cobwebs."

The three were slowly sinking in a large bundle of webs that was full of fallen dirt and debris. The tip of the cliff they were standing on just seconds before was completely gone.

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