The Drowned

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"How's the water, little hybrid?"

Chapter Text
Oh, great, thought Dream as he felt pressure build in his head, I get the luxury treatment. He had been transferred from his uncomfortable chair to an even more uncomfortable slab, only complying due to the taunting way Guy practically fondled the button that could activate his collar. The slab was tilted slightly downwards so Dream's feet were higher than his head, the position already making him disoriented. His limbs were fastened to his sides and prevented him from sliding down the table while also limiting any potential movements. He grit his teeth in frustration. He had not felt so helplessly stuck in a while, and he found that he did not miss the feeling.

"Think of this as the starting point in your time here," Guy said, moving from Dream's limited field of vision. The clanking of metal echoed in the almost bare room. "A little initiation." The sound of rushing water made Dream clench his fists. "Technically, you're the first hybrid we're interrogating. After the head honchos approved my plan, I knew I wanted to start with you if you proved to be what we were looking for." Loud squeaking and the sound of water disappeared. "Lucky for me, the experimental division had some useful pointers about Ender hybrids that I could use. For example, did you know that there's variability in Ender hybrids aquaphobia?" Guy's face came into view once more and he set something down on the floor. Dream remained stony faced, cursing that he couldn't have a complete picture of his surroundings. Guy chuckled. "You probably knew that already. That tends to be the case for most hybrids and their attributes. But the researchers did say something that really caught my attention. Did you know that Ender hybrids are quite susceptible to water torture? It's true! Even the most water-loving ones could be made to break in under a few hours. Guess it's in your genes."

Dream's eyes flickered to the two new people in the room, Troy and Vivaldi, who began to walk closer towards him. Vivaldi held a black cloth in her hands while an empty handed Troy seemed eager to catch Dream's eye. He pointedly looked at the gray ceiling and bit his inner cheek as all three towered above him with a look that made his stomach twist.

"What do you want from me?" He asked with a cold tone, though he likely knew the answer. He wasn't planning on spilling any information that could endanger those in the End.

Guy smiled and pressed a hand down on Dream's chest, making any effort of rising up at this angle futile. Vivaldi draped the cloth firmly onto his face with a delicateness that almost made him laugh until his vision was completely obscured. He heard creaking accompanied by the sloshing of water and he was suddenly aware of how utterly quiet the room was. "Right now? I don't want anything from you."

He wasn't ready for the cold water to pour on his face seconds later. Against his better judgment, Dream inhaled at the sudden torrent of water assaulting his face. The now soaked cloth was sucked inwards as he drew in a shocked breath and water immediately flooded his mouth and nose. He tried to thrash around in desperation against his restraints, the panic causing him to choke further. He felt the water pooling in the back of his throat and shook his head in a vain attempt to somehow dislodge it.

He was drowning and he could breathe nothing but water and there was nothing but the thin cloth separating him from the life-giving air that he would never receive again because he was dying he was dying he couldn't breath and it was dark and cold and he was dying-

The moment the cloth was removed and the pressure on his chest was lifted, Dream turned his head to the side and retched, forcing the water to come out of his nose and mouth. His throat throbbed with pain and his eyes watered from the burning sensation erupting from his nasal cavity. He could not focus on a single thought as his brain raced with fear and panic. A heavy hand gripped his face and positioned it forward, eliciting a gasping cough. "How's the water, little hybrid?"

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