I'm a Real Boy...

461 9 22

Ship: Bakushima
Emojis: 🍌🌸
Au: Transgender (ftm) Kirishima (I know the way I wrote it isn't how it works since it's his last name not his first but we're going to go with it because I realized that way to late for me to change it)
Kirishima is hiding a secret from his class, a pretty elaborate lie. But what happens when his best friend, and secret crush, finds something out about him that he wanted to burry six feet under years ago.

/Warnings: Transgender, Transphobia, Bullying, Panic Attack, Vomiting/

Author's POV:

Class 1-A was walking to the track for our gym class.

"Oi! Kiri-bro! I bet I could beat you in a race!" Kaminari laughed as he ran up to Kirishima.

"Haha, in your dreams man, but I think I'm going to ask Aizawa to skip this time." The red head laughed nervously making him frown.

"That sucks... Why?" He questioned. What am I supposed to tell him?! The truth was, He used to wear his binder during gym classes before now but when he started getting chest pains and went to the doctor they told him he wasn't supposed to sleep or exercise with it on. He sighed trying to think of a quick lie.

"My stomach isn't feeling too well. Ya know? I don't want to puke all over the track." He said with his everyday smile. Kaminari gave a completely innocent grin back.

"Well alright dude!" He cheered before running off to bother Sero and Ashido. Kirishima felt a heavy dread in the pit of his stomach as he made his way to the teacher who was sitting on the bench, his hands crossed tightly across the top of his chest hiding what was underneath the oversized hoodie he had over top his gym uniform. He took a deep breath right as he hit him.

"U-Um... Mr. Aizawa?" The teachers head snapped to him, tired eyes piercing his soul. A shiver ran up his body from his gaze alone.

"Yes I was just about to explain what we have planned." He said with a tired rasp in the back of his voice.

"W-Well, I'm not feeling too good, could I sit out for even do private classes? I promise I'll work extra hard!" He squeaked desperately not wanted him to say no. He looked him up and down, stopping his gaze where his scarred hands were making him tighten them around his burden of a chest.

"Sure. You can train in private with Shinsou and me at four pm everyday." He said before standing, Kirishima let out a deep breath which he didn't seem to catch, every nerve left his body as he sat down on the bench, hunching slightly.

"Alright class, Kirishima isn't feeling well so he is going to make a catch up later. We're going to warm up by running a mile, no quirks." He said making the whole class groan before running around the track. He came over and sat next to the red head.

"Oh, I meant to ask you, on the attendance you're marked down as something other than your name, I was wondering if you wanted me to change that?" He asked, giving him a kind gaze, which was rare to get from him. Kirishima gave him a shaky nod as all the kids made their way back to the starting point, starting to pant.

"You guys can't seriously be loosing your breath from one mile! Do it again!" Mr. Aziawa shouted going back to his harsh demeanour. The whole class groaned before staring to run again.

"So, I'll just change it to Kirishima? Do you mind me asking why it was Kasumi in the first place, was it a typo?" He asked and Kirishima's jaw tensed, he hated that name.

"N-No." Was all he could push through the bulge in his throat.

"It's alright if you aren't comfortable telling me. I shouldn't have asked a personal question like that." They both went silent as Kirishima slowly un-tensed, his jaw relaxing and his posture going back to his hunched state. After a minute or two, the class came back, mr. Aizawa stood up from his position and started to explain the lesson, Kirishima didn't listen very closely, he was zoning in and out the whole class. He jolted upwards when he felt the vibrations of someone plopping on the bench next to him, his head shot to the side to see Bakugou sitting there.

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