ii. unwritten complications

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{"Excuse me, love. I think you lost this." He said handing her the paper, not breaking eye contact. She smiled deviously and he walked out of the building putting on his black sunglasses as he stepped into his Black Cadillac.}

New York City, U.S.A.

It had been weeks since the funeral, but Taylor couldn't seem to find herself. Memories of her childhood replayed in her mind. Her mother's eyes watching her carefully as Taylor attempted to impress her with her cartwheel and splits she learned how to do during gym class. Despite being absolutely terrible, her mother still lied and said that it was great.

The last conversation they had kept haunting her. She didn't get to say goodbye. She didn't even tell her mother that she loved her. Taylor sat at her fireplace gripping the photograph of her at age 7 and her mother at a pumpkin patch. Both of their smiles were so innocent and pure as the sun was setting in the background.

Her father had tried to reach out, but she began to question his motives after sketchy details of her mothers death came to light. She pushed him away as much as she could. She pushed everyone away.

Time seemed to be moving in slow motion, the world spinning too fast. People she once held close to her, seemed to be going further away from her and each second passed. She knew her mother would've wanted her to move on, but something was holding her back. the guilt that she had fallen short her mother's expectations.

"When I said getting a new apartment by yourself was a smart choice, I didn't think you meant to use it for this."

The person and feelings she had locked away so many years ago, had finally returned and she knew change was coming.

Her cell phone rang and her eyes fixated on the object. She picked up the phone, and much to her surprise a soft voice rang through her ears.



New York City, U.S.A.

Harry's uncle Dave had rang him a few times. It was 10 in the morning and someone already wanted something from him. He squinted his eyes at the phone realizing who was calling and declined quickly.

He turned to the girl lying next to him in his oversized bed. She smiled sweetly at him in a lovely way and it made Harry want to leave even more than he already did. She began to kiss his neck leaving wet traces all around. He faked a sweet smile at her and began to put his clothes back on. She was almost shocked, the man that was all over her the night before, now is ignoring her existence. After adjusting his tie he looked down upon the pathetic girl and began to speak.

"Thanks for last night, you were truly impeccable. However I would suggest putting on some clothes, it is better that way, when the maids come to clean the room." He smiled devilishly. Her jaw nearly dropped.

"So that's it?" She asked starting to have an angry tone in her voice. Harry laughed and looked down at this fool.

"You were surely in my top twenty, but darling it's only fun for one night." He grabbed his phone and wallet and made his way over to the girl and kissed her cheek teasingly. She muttered swear words under her breath and Harry ignored her as usual.

"I'm almost positive you must be familiar with the phrase. Wham bam, thank you ma'am. You seem like the type." He smirked as he shut the door, allowing her bickering to become inaudible as he walked down the fancy hotel's 10th floor. He clicked the elevator down button and smiled politely to the old woman haunched over next to him.

This wasn't anything new to Harry. Love for him was a term that did not exist in his vocabulary. Everything was physical to him. Just another night, another shag, another day. Commitment was a joke. If he stayed past noon the next day in the same bed with the same woman that would be a miracle.

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