xii. coming undone

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{"Okay, I have to go into the office today. I'll be gone before you know it." Harry said moving towards his room.

"And Taylor," he paused staring into the ground.

"I really am sorry." He admitted. Taylor felt a small wave of relief blow over her. Harry did seem sincere, and he was almost as upset as she was. But he never would get that some bruises may heal, but emotional scars never do fade away.}

Downtown London, England

Harry found himself in his office with too many responsibilities and a guilty conscience. He had beaten himself up over what he had done to Taylor. He had never wanted to make her feel the way she did. He decided not to ever drink as much as he did.

The city lights were getting brighter as the sky was getting darker. Harry had gotten nothing done today. It had been a long enough day as it was, so Harry thought it'd be best if he just left. He packed up his briefcase and adjusted pictures of his father and him that were crooked on his desk.

Harry locked his door and waved politely to his secretary. Harry had always liked Rosie.

When he was a kid she worked for his father and she would always sneak him an extra cherry sucker when his father wasn't looking. They'd exchange knock knock jokes, while Harry's father was in important business meetings. She was a face that Harry could always go back to, to remind him that there are still good people in the world. She was getting older and Harry was not able to cope with the fact that everyone has to die eventually. Harry's grandmother had passed away some years earlier, but he hadn't known her that well.

"Long day, Mr. Styles?" Rosie inquired.

"All work, and no play. You know how it is." He sent a flashy smile her direction. A pang of guilt flooded his mind remembering what had happened.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" Harry questioned letting his mind shift back to Taylor.

"Well I do work for you, so I suppose so." She smiled kindly.

"Can you get me two files on Austin and Taylor Swift?" There was a slight pause, then the sound of a pen moving quickly on a notecard as she took notes.

"Okay, they'll be on your desk in the morning. Do have a good evening, Harry dear." Rosie smiled softly typing away at her computer. Harry said his thank you's and walked out of the building, trying not to be excited. He would've ran to his car and drove home, but he knew that there was a likely chance he wouldn't even see Taylor tonight.

London, England

Harry arrived at his apartment where there was another car parked. His irritation changed to curiosity as to who Taylor would be meeting with, at all. She had already broken a rule off the list that she had made, and it hadn't even been one day.

He held onto his briefcase with a firm grip and headed his way into the apartment. He knocked and when there was no answer he pulled out his keys. After many attempts of putting the wrong key in Harry finally gave up and knocked on the door loud. To his surprise a blonde he hadn't seen in awhile answered the door.

"Harold!" Niall's cheery voice rang he had a cheeky grin on his face. Niall hooked Harry's arm and skipped into the kitchen where Taylor was sitting. She was wearing a white tank top and some casual shorts. Harry felt his heart drop when he saw her bruises already forming.

"Oh Harry you just missed our conversation on Zayn." Taylor grinned, causing a blush to form in Harry's cheeks.

"He's quite a nice fella, you know." Niall added taking a large sip of his beer. A door shut somewhere inside the apartment as Liam came out of nowhere. Harry was caught by surprise.

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