Family Meeting

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"When are they coming?" Edward asks as we all sit in the living room.

"First snowfall that sticks," Alice says and I grip Seth's hand tighter.

"Why are they coming for us?" asks Bella as she pulls Renesmee closer to her side.

"All I know is that Aro, Marcus, Caius, the Guard...and Irina are coming," Alice says.

"What did Irina see when you were out?" asks Edward.

"Nothing. We were just walking," says Bella.

"Ness was catching snowflakes," says Jake.

"Of course. Irina thinks Renesmee is an immortal child," Edward says, a note of sadness in his tone that has me tilting my head.

"Immortal child?" I ask.

"Immortal children were beautiful. To be near them was to love them, but their development was halted at the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Humans had heard rumors and fear began to spread. The Volturi were forced to step in. Since the children couldn't keep our secret, they were destroyed," Carlisle recounts and I shudder.

"The Denali's mother created an immortal child?" asks Bella.

"Yes and she paid the price," Carlisle states.

"Renesmee was born not bitten," Bella stresses.

"She grows every day," I say.

"Can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jake asks.

"Aro has enough proof from Irina's thoughts," Edward states.

"So we fight," I say, instantly on my feet.

"No. No fighting," Carlisle says.

"Their offensive weapons are too powerful. No one can best Jane," says Jasper as he shakes his head.

"Not to mention Alec," Alice adds.

"Maybe we can convince them," I say and Edward nods.

"We gather others to witness. As many as we can find. Convince them to stand with us," he says.

"We can ask this of our friends," Esme says as she looks at Carlisle.

"All right! Let's get this show on the road!" Jake says as he claps his hands and stands up, taking Renesmee's hand in his.

I look around at everyone as they converse and plan their next move. My eyes fall on Seth, who takes my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. A soft gasp fills the suddenly silent room and Alice stares off into space. A confused expression covers her face along with a smile. I watch as Edward's eyes grow wide and he looks at me.

I freeze, unsure of what's happening. My eyes shift from Edward to Alice and back again.

"How is that even possible?" he asks.

"I'm not sure," Alice says as she knits her brows.

"What is it Alice?" asks Jasper.

"I finally saw her future," she says with a slight laugh.

"Whose?" asks Seth.

"Maya's," she says, looking at me.

"But, I thought you couldn't," I say.

"This was different. You were different. Not like you are now. Healthy. Better. Alive," she says with another light laugh.

"What do you mean?" Seth asks.

"She means we know how to save you," Edward says with a smirk.

"H-How?" I ask as I walk towards them.

"You looked like us, but different... I think because of the shifter side of you. You still had your eyes. As mismatched as ever," says Alice with a wide grin.

A smile spreads over my face and, the longer I think about it, the wider it gets. I turn and look at Seth and he seems happy, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes and it makes mine falter.

"What would that mean for her?" he asks.

"For one, she'd live for a long while. Two, her disease would no longer be a problem," says Jasper with a smile.

"Three, you two will be happy together," says Alice and I look at Seth who is blushing with a lopsided grin.

I feel my face heat up and I get my own goofy grin.

Everyone smiles and Emmett chuckles from beside Rose as she rolls her eyes.

"Wait... What am I going to tell my sister or my dad?" I ask.

"I'm sure they'll be ecstatic to hear that you beat the disease," says Esme with a smile as she gives me a side hug.

Looking around the room, I see Jake wearing a frown. I can't tell if it's from the news of the Volturi or about me being turned.

"Jake?" I ask softly.

He moves to look at me and offers a small smile.

"Are you okay?" I ask tentatively.

"I'm fine. Just worried about all of this," he says waving his hand in a wide motion.

"Does it bother you like with Bella?" I ask quietly.

"It does, but at least you won't have to worry about the disease anymore," he answers.

I nod in agreement, but don't share his views on vampires as the Cullens have always treated me well.

"I know that Alice's visions can change, so how do we know that she'll survive? Or that there won't be any adverse effects?"

"The only way to know is to try," I say as I hold Seth's hand.

"I for one want to live to see this future she saw. I also want to be useful in the coming confrontation, not a whimpering half-dog," I say as I look at Rosalie who scoffs.

"Now... The question is, who's gonna turn me?" I ask as I look around the room.

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