chapter two

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AN: You guys wanted that i continue this story so here we are.. sorry for the long wait but I hope y'all like it.. chapter two of merhayes
Btw, "incomplete" was the song I listened to while writing.. 🥺


A few days later I had had night shift with Jo. It was one of the calm nights down here in the E.R. Not much to do, because nobody climbed at their houses roof or made the decision to cut of their finger.. I enjoyed it honestly. More time for each patient, more time for coffee and more time for sleep. And more time for me to look at the babies up at pediatrics. I really love it to watch the baby's, it's amazing to watch them getting better, that they can be with their parents after weeks or even months of being apart. "What are you doing up here, Doctor Grey?" I smiled, but not turned around. "Just checking. These tiny little humans have my full attention,  Doctor Hayes. And besides the fact that I really love children, I have nothing to do anyways." He leans in the door step, observing me. I know he does, I don't have to look at him to be aware of that. "I was just going outside, getting fresh air. Wanna join me?" I nodded smiling. "Of course I do."

Now we are standing here, outside.. His hands on my shoulders while he's standing behind me. "Can I ask you a question, Mer?" I turned around, his hands laying down on my hips. I appreciated it when he does something like this, it gives me something that feels like safety. A safe place. "We are getting to know each other better, why don't you ask everything you wanna know about me, then I will also ask you a few things." He smiled, looked around and then kissed my forehead.
"That sounds like a good idea for me. Soo.. What I was about to ask. How did you met your husband? We always talked about the time he passed away, but I wanna know how you fell in love with each other."
I turned around again.. Looking at the Skyline of Seattle. Derek and I.." It's a long story." I said. Hayes then sat down next to me, taking my hand. "I'm a good listener. But if you don't wanna tell me about this, I understand. It could still hurt you." I exhaled sharply and sat down. "It's okay. So, there was this one night. I went to the bar, just across the streat. I moved here a few days or weeks prior, so I didn't knew anybody here. After a few drinks he came to me and took a seat right next to me. We had a good time, getting drunk and ended up naked on my couch. Since then it was a roller coaster. It was getting complicated, the I messed up our trial, the adoption, was scared of getting Alzheimers.. We have argued a lot but when we were finally good again, he died. It was fast, like i told you. And, here I am. I have three beautiful children, two sisters who I love, and a job which I love to. My life is good, and I never thought it could be again."
I stood up again and leaned against the Balkon.

"Thank you for telling me" Cormac said. "Thank you for listening. I really appreciate it.." I looked at him, he looked concerned.. I knew that look well to good.
"Look, I told you mine and dereks story. And I will forever love derek, He taught me what it's like to be loved. He's the father of my children and he will always gonna be part of my life, my heart. And with all respect, nobody will or can ever respect him. But now I am falling in love with you. You got me, and.. If you continue to look at me this concerned.." He leaned down, holding my face between his hands, our heads resting on each other's, before his lips met mine. The kiss was soft, fast, but still with so much feelings.. "Just that you know, I will never replace derek. I won't, because he was and still is your best friend, he's the love of your life, which was taken away from you far too soon and way to fast. But I know, he's watching over you and your kids, Sheperd and pierce.. Your family. And let me tell you, he would have been very proud of you for getting this far in your career. Just like Abigail. And I won't do anything without your permission. I love you, Mer. And I'm promising you, that I will try to be there the same way he was there for you when he still was alive. If you will." I nodded, ready to cry. He makes me believe in love again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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