A Walk On the Sea

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With slow heavy motions, Peter and the other men set sail for the Western shore of the Sea of Galilee as Jesus had commanded. They would rather have stayed with Him than leave Him behind. After all, how would their Teacher be able to get to the other shore? He would have had to walk miles!

Little did they realize the power of the man they called Master.

Jesus climbed to the top of the nearby mountain to pray. He was tired and hadn't had a moment to be alone. The death of his cousin John weighed on his mind. Then He thought of the people; how they had followed Him like sheep following their shepherd.

A smile lit up His kind face.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew. Clouds gathered in the evening sky, growing darker and darker by the second.

He looked over the edge of the cliff and saw His disciples in the middle of the sea.

The men rowed frantically, trying to get to the other shore safely. They saw the lightning flash. Heavy thunder rumbled and rolled in their ears with a deafening crash. Some were shaking with fear. Without warning, above the storm came the cry, "A spirit!"

Alarmed, Peter looked around at the sea. His pupils dilated and his face blanched. Among the shadows, he could see a white figure walking towards them on the sea. The figure came closer and almost passed them by, but the disciples shouted in fear. The figure turned to them.

"Do not fear! It is I! Do not be afraid!" called a familiar voice.

Peter stopped abruptly and stared. Could it be?

"Lord! If it is you, tell me to come to you on the water!"

A sober look crossed Jesus' face and He replied, "Come!"

In spite of the other disciples' demurs, Peter stepped out of the boat. With a rather ostentatious step, he started walking towards Christ. In the corner of his eye, he saw the waves dashing and crashing around him. He saw other ships like his own disappear into the sea. He trembled and instantly started to sink.

"Lord, save me!!"

A strong hand grabbed his and pulled him up. Jesus looked him in the eye.

"O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

As soon as the two men climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped and the waves slowed. With a thud, the ship hit the Western shore.

Christ's disciples, in awe, fell on their faces before Him and worshipped Him.

"Truly You are the Son of God."

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