The Power of the Mind!

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It's as if you're in a dark room with the only light coming from your cellphone. It's nighttime and you're supposed to be asleep... at least... that's what your parents said.

Teenagers. They never listen, do they?

You imagine that there's a long, silver table in front of you and that I am at the end of it. You can't see me. I can't see you. Even if our faces are both lighted up by the screens of our phones and the other end of the table is situated in a very brightly lit bathroom.

Again, in your head, you hear a soft breath from the other end of the table. Not that you have a choice. You have to imagine it now.

I told you to.

A sharp exhale from me, and I am still talking right now. You thought I was going to say "I began talking", didn't you? I can tell by your supposedly crestfallen face. Or it could be that you think this story is weird and I'm not going anywhere with it.

But I am...

...about to take you on a journey through the deep recesses of my crepuscular mind! Don't worry, you'll fit in it. There's too much space in it anyway.

If you'll look to the right, uh… no, the left hemisphere, you'll see fantastical mythical creatures lurking in the black void. On the walls of that hemisphere are pictures of am kinds. Finished ones, almost finished ones, halfway through ones, almost halfway through ones, undone ones and dreams.

This is my creative side. The side that keeps me from getting bored. Or is this my right hemisphere?


And here is my right/ left hemisphere! In this chamber I keep my… my… there's nothing in it. Nothing except the controls for the left/ right side of my body.


I apologize for the mess! Moving along! And mind the pituitary gland, please. It's already messed up as it is, so don't touch it. Follow me. It should be just around this corner.

Ah! Here we are! The mind of my mind! The prefrontal cortex! This is where I keep my morals. This is also where I think about words like providential, Antidisestablishmentarianism, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. I apologize if you have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, or, in shorter terms, a fear of long words.

At any rate, this is also the room that holds my pride, anger, fear, cool, joy and drama.

I think.

Alright! Tour is done! Get out of here! And by the way, you'll find a little box outside. It's called the comment section. I want you to just drop a message telling me whether you think I'm pathologically twisted (whatever that means) or just plain insane.

Now leave me! And let me torment myself in peace for telling such a ridiculous story that can't even really be called fiction because I really did just show you pretty much almost everything inside my head!

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