To the future

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It was a early Sunday morning. Sakura was sleeping in her apartment with the windows open. It was a warm spring morning and she could hear the busy vendors outside her window working. She stretched her arms and yawned and opened her eyes. She felt so relaxed and at peace on days like this. But the feeling soon went away when she realized "he" wasn't home.

"Sasuke?" She called out. "Are you home...hello sasuke are you here?" She carefully jumped out of bed and put her robe on. She was completely naked and didn't want her neighbors to see her.

After she was wed to the love of her life, sasuke couldn't seem to keep his hands off of her. It was like fire and lighting coming together in a storm and when the two elements combine a blaze of lust overwhelms them. Sakura was so happy in her new marriage to the uchiha. It was as if it was a dream. But she knew it was much more. So much more. They could never seem to get enough of each other.

Sakura walked around the apartment and noticed a letter sitting on the counter with a small Lilly laying aside it.

"Good-morning sakuraa. I'm sorry I wasn't there to see you wake, but something came up and I had to leave. If you need me I will be at the hokage office. I expect to be back before lunch time."
- Sasuke

Putting the note down Sakura wondered what must of happened for he never gets called to Kakashi sensei office unless trouble is rising. She knew that the little time they had to themselves would eventually end...but still she didn't wanna see it end so soon.

Rubbing her head she walked over to the kitchen and decided to just start her morning routine. Eventually sasuke would return and tell if something is wrong.

After taking a hot shower and putting on a sun dress for the day. She walked over to her kitchen and decided to go out and get breakfast this morning. She didn't have time last week to go shopping so she decided after breakfast she could get some errands done before sasuke came home.

As she was about to walk out the door her phone rings. She reaches over to pick up the phone on the wall but before she could say anything.. a certain yellow haired friend decides to bellow right into her ear.

"SAKURA !!!!!!... Sakura its Hinata.... I woke up this morning and found her on the kitchen floor. She's not waking up!!!! PLEASE COME HELP...I've tried everything... I NEED YOU TO MEET ME AT THE HOSPITAL. PLEASE HURRY.!"

As if a machine Sakura goes into medical nin mode..." NARUTO CALM DOWN....Im on my way to the hospital right now. I need you to get her to neji. Once you get her to neji I should be at the hospital and we can run some tests...please I know this is a lot but hold on I will be there soon." After assuring her friend she is on her way, she  hangs up the phone and rushes to put her shoes on and runs out her apartment almost forgetting to close the door behind her.....what could have happened....Hinata is always taking care of herself. she should be in excellent health....Why is she fainting out of the blue.? 

So many questions were jumping in her head she didn't even notice she got to the hospital in under 10 mins. She hasn't moved this fast since her jonin days.

Once Sakura got to hospital she could see that there was  a lot of commotion going on in the ER DEPARTMENT. she decides to ask if Hinata had checked in and she was told she's in room 67 with naruto and neji.

Sakura rushes to the room and finds her friend laying in her night gown unresponsive and naruto on the brink of a meltdown with tears in his eyes and worry spilled all over his face.

Sakura walks into the room and requested a medical update on her patient. Walking over to neji she sees that he is trying really hard to keep his composure on the situation. Sakura knows that Hinata is more like a sister to him so this must be really hard for him to see her like this.

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