Part 8: DNF Kiss

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I wasn't expecting for this to happen at the first touring event this year, not to mention this is my first ever tour. Although, this was pretty epic.

I was setting up my gaming PC at the platform/stage with the stage crew when I noticed that Cam was texting on his phone. Normally I wouldn't care, but he's been texting a lot recently.

I had just finished setting up my PC and the staff had told me I had 15-20 minutes until people started coming in so I decided to look at what Cam was doing.

"Hey Cam! Who're you talking to?"

"Oh, Hey Millie. Promise not to tell?"

"Uh? Yeah?"

"Well, me and a bunch of other youtubers and streamers are trying to get Dream and George together."

"Oh, mind if I help?"

"Uhm, how can you help?"

"Well, I don't know about you, but people take me pretty seriously. I could help with reservations and not just rely on the fame card. Not to mention that I am the one who memorized all of our bank accounts and credit card numbers."

"Fair point. I'll ask the group chat and if we get the majority to say yes, then you're in project DreamNotFound!"

And with that, we sat in our seats and waited until our queue for our 1v1v1v1 speedrun competition.

Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass and insomnia

As me and my siblings meet up with the rest of our group to our lunch break, we all started talking about what happened during our first half of our day.

SapNap had a crazy fan who wouldn't stop staking him, Dream had to remind the audience several times that taking his mask off would be a violation of some sort. George was given too much fan mail and stuff for him to carry, and we talked about all if our stunts and how we all tied with each other.

After our break with the other Dream SMP members and OfflineTV, we made our way out for the OG MCYT and the Hermitcrafters to have their break with some other streamers.

As we walked over to where we would be doing a signing both, Cam came over and told me that I was invited into the group chat and that I would help with reservations and stuff.

As I joined the group chat, that was when the line was officially opened so for the next hour or so, I was stuck sitting in a chair writing my name down and posing for pictures.

By the time we were going back to our computers to do another speedrun on minecraft, I was eager to move, my hand was stiff, and my face hurt, but I didn't complain about it. A clean reputation is something I wanted to keep.

I finished putting my PC back into the suitcase, and then the rest of our group and some Dream SMP members came over.

According to what SapNap told me, Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo are going to convince George to go to the greenhouse because apparently they have these plants and stuff he really likes. Then SapNap, Karl, Quackity, and Cam would convince Dream to go because they apparently some how got Dream's card to our suite.

Somehow, it worked. Now, with the help of Valkyrae, me, and some hermitcraft members, we were able to rent out the whole greenhouse. SapNap also managed to get Dream to admit he liked George during the tour event. As a secret way to maybe make a first move, we also added some oblivious ways for them to fall on each other.

Our plan was ready to go and now we just watched on the security cameras hidden behind the plants. This was a very eventful day.

Dream's P.O.V.:

(OK, so I suck at this lovey dovey thing so just bear with me please)

I was taking the bus to this greenhouse place where my group members thought it was funny to hide my copy of the hotel keycard. I entered and geez, this place is pretty! As I am trying to find my keycard, I bumped into someone. That someone was George. Damn it SapNap! You set me up!

"Hey, George. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, people kept telling me about how this greenhouse had a lot of my favorite flowers and plants. What about you?"

"Well, SapNap, Cam, and Karl thought it would be funny to hide my suite keycard somewhere here."

So, we started to search for my keycard. I knew this was SapNap's idea for me to confess, not gonna lie, this was a pretty good place. They had pretty much every plant on the face of the earth!

I decided to go look in the mountainous/artic room for the keyboard while George went to check the rainforest Temperature room. As I walked in, I realized that this place was huge! I wasn't even sure if they were telling the truth!

As I finished looking around, I decided that the keycard wasn't there. As I headed back, I wondered if confessing right now would actually work....

George's P.O.V:

I couldn't believe it, Dream was at the greenhouse!? As I walked into the rainforest Temperature room, I immediately thought that the keycard would be here. I looked around the small room for what seemed like 30 minutes before going to the conclusion that the keycard wasn't here.

As I went to look in the next room over, I realized I was in the desert biome room in the greenhouse. There were several cacti. It wouldn't be here.

As I waited at the exit of the foreign plant exhibit hallway, I thought about telling Dream about my crush. No. He's my best friend. He probably sees me as a  friend.

When Dream came out of the Artic Temperature room, we decided to check out the 2nd floor of the greenhouse. I was walking along when I tried on a watering hose!

The only thing I was thinking about when I was falling face first into the stone pathway ans screaming was fuck!

I closed my eyes knowing that I couldn't save myself when I realized that Dream had caught me.
I had also realized that I had accidentally kissed Dream, on the LIPS!

I got up immediately. I felt my face burn up as I was saying sorry when Dream kissed me back! I was pretty sure that my face was beet red by now.

As Dream pulled away, I was still really surprised.
"Well, I guess you know how I feel about you." Said Dream, his face really red.

"Ugh, yeah. So, are we like, dating now?" I asked, flustered.

"I guess so."

As we sweeped through the rest of the greenhouse, we decided that the keycard wasn't here.

As we walked out of the greenhouse, SapNap, Karl, Tubbo, and other gamers and streamers came over and and teased us about DreamNotFound. Dream was not pleased.

Word Count: 1,192

Whoo! This took a while. Well, hopefully the next chapter won't take long! PS, I just edited this because grammar.

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