Chapter 1: Dark Allies

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I open the door and close it softly. "Hello," I call. Silence, as usual. I sigh. I love my parents but they're never home leaving me alone in our giant house. My parents own a law firm and are both traveling lawyers. I'm not mad that they have to work, I'm very grateful for them. I just miss them. I grin when I hear a bark and the sound of paws running down the stairs. My two year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Charlie jumps up and tries to lick my face but he can't cause he's too small. My parents bought him for me when they started leaving me home alone so I wouldn't be completely alone. "Hey buddy," I say, picking him up. "Wanna do some homework with me," I say, kissing his head. He barks and licks my face. "I'll take that as a yes," I say heading upstairs to my room. I gently place him on his little doggy bed before I walk over to my desk and pull out my textbooks. I was about to sit down but I spotted a tiny orange puffball curled up on my chair. I reach down and carefully pick up my little kitten Ollie. He's a four-month-old orange and white munchkin kitten that I adopted without telling my parents. They actually still don't know about him cause they've been on a business trip in Italy for five months. I kiss his tiny head and place him on my bed.

After about an hour I finish my homework and start to get ready for work. I volunteer at the hospital, I'm kinda like a candy striper except I don't have to wear a uniform. I'm just there to make the patients happy and talk to them. I also check their charts, empty bedpans, and check their blood pressure. I want to be a doctor when I grow up and I could work at the hospital but since my parents have a lot of money I do it for free. I walk over to my closet and pick out my outfit. I pick out a cozy yellow sweater and a black skirt with black lace-up ankle boots. When I finished my look I looked in the mirror and sighed. I see a freakishly short 4'10 girl with waist-length black hair and pale skin. But the weirdest thing about my appearance is my eyes. They are two different colors. My right eye is bright blue and my left eye is dark green. My tiny height and different colored eyes make me stick out like a sore thumb at my school and I just wish I could blend in better. I sigh again and turn away from the mirror. I grab my purse, kiss Ollie and Charlie goodbye, and head to the hospital. 

(AN: This is how I picture Bella but with different colored eyes

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(AN: This is how I picture Bella but with different colored eyes.)

When I pull into the hospital I park my car and head for the door. Normally I would walk to get my exercise but it's getting cold so I took my car. But before I can get inside I hear a bang and someone cursing loudly. Normally I stay away from stuff like this but I'm a very curious person so instead of going inside I slowly walk towards the corner of the building. I turn the corner and see a  tall boy who looks about 6'3. He looks about seventeen and is facing away from me. His shoulders are tense and his fists are clenched. I notice his knuckles are bloody and I'm pretty sure he punched a wall. "A-are you all-alright," I whisper hesitantly. Maybe I should just leave him alone but I just want to make sure he's ok. Suddenly he jumps and spins around wrapping his hand around my throat, pinning me up against the wall. A strangled gasp leaves my lips. "I'm s-sorry p-please let me g-go," I beg. I open my eyes and meet his angry silver ones. He gasps and drops me to the ground. I cough and choke trying to get air back into my lungs. I hesitantly looked up at him and for a second I thought I saw concern in his eyes but it was quickly replaced by a blank look. "What the hell are you doing back here! Walking into dark allies is how you get yourself killed," he yelled! "I-I'm sorry, I j-just wanted to make sure you were o-ok," I whimpered pathetically. He opens his mouth to keep yelling at me but then he closes it and just stares at me. I shakily stand up and grab my purse. I reach in and grab a grape lollipop. One thing that everyone needs to know about me is that I love lollipops. I carry them around everywhere. One because they are my favorite candy in the entire world and also because whenever I hand them out to the patients it makes them smile.

I hold it out to him and offer him a small smile. "Listen, just feel better, ok." He slowly takes it from me, then I turn around and walk away. I know I'm probably crazy for giving him a lollipop when he just choked me but I just wanted to make him smile. I sigh and walk into the hospital. When I walk in I grab my name tag and start to make my rounds. My rounds are the same every day but all the patients are really nice so it's ok. I volunteer in the cancer ward for a lot of reasons but mostly for personal reasons. Anyway, I was getting ready to go home when Nurse Penny stopped me. She's the head nurse at the hospital, she's such a sweet lady. "Listen Sweetie I just added another patient to your rounds. Would you mind taking care of him before you go?" "Sure Nurse Penny. What room is it?" "Room 314. Thank you, Sweetie," she calls, walking off down the hall.

I open the door to room 314 and what I see makes me stop in my tracks. 

AN: So this is my new story! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please vote and comment:) 

Love you all:) 


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