Chapter 33: "You Should Go"

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Bella's POV:

"Why," I ask?

He runs his hand through his curls and turns away from me. "Colton answer me."

"I can't do this anymore," he suddenly yells!

"Do what?"

"I can't see your parents anymore! We can't even go out to supper without them ruining it. I can't even do anything about it cause the second I touch your father he'll throw me back in prison and then I'll be away from you again!"

"I know Colt, I know but what about tying up loose ends? What about Noah and Maria?"

"Bella, do you not understand how hard it was for me to not beat his face in after what he called you? How can you be so calm after all the shit he's done to you?!"

"I'm not calm, I'm upset but it's not going to do any good if we just run away," I say, trying to keep my composure. "I still think we should leave at the end of the summer as we planned."

"Goddammit, Bella! For once in your life why can't you just agree with me," he suddenly screams!

I take a step back at the sheer volume of his voice. "I-I wasn't trying to be disagreeable. I'm just not ready to leave our friends yet but if you feel that strongly about it then we can go," I say softly. 

"I'm gonna go make some tea," I say quietly.

"Wait Bella I didn't mean to."

"I know. I just need a minute."

I slowly walk downstairs and sit down at the kitchen table. I sigh and put my head in my hands. Why is everything so complicated?

"Bella, are you ok?"

I look up and see Maria

"Yeah, I'm ok. Colton and I..."

"I heard."

She comes over and wraps me in a hug from behind, resting her head on my shoulder. "Ok, you need some hot chocolate," she exclaims, before rushing off to make it. A few minutes later she sets the mug in front of me. I smile at the extra marshmallows and whipped cream.

"Ok spill," she demands, sitting down across from me. "I could hear Colton yelling from the guest room."

I sigh and my fingers through my hair. "We had a fight."

"About what?"

"Colton wants to leave earlier than we planned because of what happened with my parents."

"Well, when does he want to leave?"

"I don't know. We didn't get that far."

"Well do you wanna go?"

"I understand why he wants to go. He's worried and I love him for that but I'm not ready to leave you guys yet."

She's quiet for a minute, then she sighs and looks at me with a sad look on her face. "I think you should go," she says seriously.

"What? You were so upset that I was leaving, now you want me to leave?"

"No Bella, oh course I don't but I understand where Colton is coming from. He just wants you to be safe. He wants to get you out of here before your parents can mess up your relationship even more. He's doing all this because he loves you, Bella."

"I know that," I say defensively.

"Bella, Colton has never had anything stable in his life. Everything is always taken away from him but now that he has you he just doesn't want anything to happen to you. Think about how happy you were in London and how happy he was."

I do what she says, a content smile crosses my face and I realize she's right. "You're right," I say softly.

"I know. Now, take this and go upstairs. You need to have a talk with your man."

I laugh and give her a big hug before grabbing Colton's cup of tea and heading upstairs. I open the door quietly in case Colton is asleep but of course, he isn't. Instead, he's laying on his back with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at the ceiling.

"I should have known you wouldn't be asleep," I say, setting the tea on the nightstand.

"You expect me to sleep when you're mad at me," he said, turning to look at me.

"Well no."

He slowly sits up and grips his hair hard. He does that a lot when he's angry and I can tell he's been doing it a lot by how messy his hair is. "Colton stop," I say, grabbing his hands. "I'm not mad at you."

"You're not," he asks?

"I'm not," I replied.

"Then where have you been all this time? You've been gone for two hours."

"I was talking with Maria and she convinced me that you're right and we should go. I'll make the arrangements tomorrow as long as Beckey and Jordan are ok with it."

"Thank you, Baby girl," he says, relief heavy in his words.

"We should get some sleep," I tell him.

"You still look upset. Talk to me. Please."

"It's stupid. I'm fine," I say, sighing and laying down on the bed next to him.

"Baby, please don't do that. Talk to me."

"I just... I hate when you yell at me and I'm not mad at you, I know you don't mean it. It scares me when you yell not because I'm scared of you or I'm scared you'll hurt me. It just scares me when you yell."

He slowly grabs my hips, pulling me down so I'm laying on top of him. He presses a kiss into my hair. "Sweetheart, I can't promise I'll never yell at you but I can promise that when I do it's just because I'm angry and that I never mean anything by it ok?"

"Ok Colt," I whisper.

"Go to sleep my love," he whispers in my ear. "Things will get better soon, I promise." 

Hi Everyone: 

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