One Penny

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"See a penny
pick it up,
all day long
you'll have good luck.

See a penny
hold it tight,
and luck will last
from morn till night."


Penny Heartfilia was known to her father as the family's "Lucky Penny". Since her birth, the company has been on the rise. Thus, brining money into her father's pockets. 

It was when Penny's mother died that things started to go downhill. Her father dedicated all his attention to his work, leaving Penny to take care of her younger sister, Lucy. 

For years, everything seemed okay. The Heartfilia sisters did what they were told, trying to do their best so that their father would just give them a shred of attention. But not matter what they did, their father never did give them a second glance. 

Nothing was ever good enough. 

The last straw for the sisters had them running away, hopefully to a better place.

And what a place it was. 

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"I hope you find your happiness soon. I hope you find a place that feels like home and a heart whose beat sounds like family. I hope you find a place that brings out the being in you. The human in you. I hope you find a place where all your dreams turn into realities, a place where you can spread your wings, and finally not be afraid to fly."


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"It is a mark of an educated mind
 to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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