Chapter 7

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Two days before the class trip

Natsu and I are visiting Claire since she's still sick and hasn't been in school for over a week. It's honestly worrying me. She's never been this sick before.

Knocking on the Wilde's door, I see Mr. Wilde in front of me, giving a big smile. 

"Lucy! Good to see you again," he beams before looking at Natsu. "You too, Natsu."

"It's good to see you too, Mr. Wilde," I smile, my nerves slightly getting to me. 

"Come on in." 

He guides us in just as Mrs. Wilde enters, coming from the kitchen. 

"Lucy! Natsu! Good to see you two," Mrs. Wilde smiles. "Did you come to see Clarissa?"

"Yeah. How is she?" I ask, worry lacing my voice.

"She's getting better but she's still pretty sick," Mrs. Wilde sighs. "The doctor told us if this continues for another week then to bring her to the hospital."

"God... I hope she gets better," Natsu mutters with a frown.

"We all do, sweetheart," Mrs. Wilde smiles weakly. "Honey, could you go see if she's awake? I'm going to go back and check if the soup is done."

"Sure. I'll be back you two," Mr. Wilde smiles before walking upstairs.

"Why don't you two come and grab a drink from the fridge while I check on the soup?"

"Sure," I smile.

We follow behind her and as we enter the kitchen, she tells us to grab anything we want.

I grab a can of ginger ale while Natsu grabs a water bottle. 

"She's up so you two can head up," Mr. Wilde says, popping his head into the kitchen.

"Thank you, Mr. Wilde," Natsu smiles politely.

Mr. Wilde just smiles before going to his wife, kissing her cheek and hugging her from behind, making the woman giggle.

I smile slightly at the scene before grabbing Natsu's hand and dragging him upstairs. 

"Claire!" I sing as I open the door to see my best friend with a weak smile on her lips.

"Hey you guys," she croaks out.

I frown in worry, walking up close to her.

"Feeling any better?" I ask even though I asked her parents the same thing just moments ago.

"No," she sighs, coughing. "I feel like absolute shit."

"Mrs. Wilde is almost done with your soup," I smile.

"Yay," she cheers weakly, the smile on her face was still bright though.

A laugh escapes my lips as we start talking about school and making fun of Annabelle and her little crew.

"Are they still trying to the boy's attention?" She asks, sipping on the soup her mom brought up in the middle of our conversation. Natsu just groans, running a hand over his face. "I'll take that as a big fat yes," she laughs, coughing a little.

"Yeah. The girls and I scare them off and- BOOM- they're back," I sigh in annoyance.

"Damn roaches," Claire mutters.

Natsu hears her and starts howling in laughter. "Yup! That's the perfect way to describe them."

I laugh along with him. "I swear Claire. You're the best."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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