Laying down roots?

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Sadies POV:
It didn't feel like we were asleep for long before thunder clapped and the rain poured completely drenching us and everything else. Then came the wind it was the kind of wind that you have to squint your eyes and and hug your clothes to your chest. It would've whipped our hair back if the water hadn't glued it to our heads. I watched as most of the girls panicked using whatever garments they could to shelter their heads and Rachel and Nora beneath a surf board. However, Lexi and Dot went into survival mode and whilst dot collected our resources and shoved them in suitcases before zipping them tightly, Lexi gathered the empty cans we'd drank from and buried them in the sand to collect whatever water she could.
"Make it stoppp!" Martha called, Shelby running to cover her with her jacket.
"You know I used to think storms were like majestic!" Leah yelled over the howling wind and rolling thunder.
"Is that still your take" Rachel returned in a sarcastic manor.
Lexi came over and handed me Sid's lead so she could be more helpful.
"Does the storm not bother you?" I shouted over to her.
"Nah we don't get snow in the winters it's usually just 4 months of this you learn to live with it" she shouted back.
She ran over to help dot drag what was left of the emergency slide.
"All right come on Everybody grab an edge. Get under...Leah come on" dot called and we all followed as it was the only shelter we had.
"How's your ankle?"
"Better I think. It's just soo itchy" Martha wallowed scratching her ankle
"My leg is kinda itchy too" Leah confessed
"Yeah mine to" Shelby agreed
"Shit sand fleas" Dot and Lexi huffed in unison looking at each other in realisation that made everyone else panic slightly. I know I did.
"Sand What!" Fatin hissed
"Sand fleas"
"Well they're not really like fleas"
"They're more like tiny little shrimp"
"No!" Fatin chorused in disbelieve, that was really not a needed nor wanted explanation she should've just left it at sand fleas. I huddled closer to Lexi who wrapped an arm around me and spread Sid across both our laps.
"They're not lethal. They're just annoying. Once the rain stops we can just go scrub them off."
At this point we were all frantically scratching at our ankles and shins.
"You know. Before they get a chance to burrow" Yup she definitely should've left it at sand fleas. Fatin yelled out in annoyance before exiting shelter screaming.
"FUCK. MY. LIFE!" Before the lightning struck not far off shore and we all attempted to pull her back in. Pulling the slide completely over us.
"I just wanted to apologise in advance" Lexi called addressing all of us.
"What do you have gas or something?"
Fatin asked nonchalantly.
"Oh no um just storms like this usually take a few hours to pass and we're all pretty cramped in here so it's gonna smell a lot like wet dog in here and-"
"For fucks sake" Rachel added.
"Okay well I'm going to ignore that because Sid licked all the sand fleas off my ankles and he can do you lot too."
He had started to lick my ankles too it was actually helping. All we had to do was let him get comfortable lying on us and then he just does it.

The storm finally cleared but we had no sense of time and Lexi couldn't be arsed to figure it out yet. I could admit at this point. Day 3. That plane food was not exactly fulfilling enough and the all to well known sensation of being hangry was starting to kick in and I could see it on everyone's faces some of us were lying in a circle in the sand with our eyes closed day dreaming about food.
"Blue crab sushi from Hinata drizzled in ponzu sauce with just the lightest touch, just a kiss of wasabi" fatin spoke her thoughts out loud describing it as though she was some food critic.
"I just want some Indian tacos, the way Mom makes them with black beans and velveeta."
"Oh I would destroy some velveeta right now, like I would just house it straight from the packet"
"I'm craving some Calzone right now" I hummed, imagining it made my moth water.
"I just want classic Cornish Pasty" Lexi added. Everybody engaged in the conversation looked at her so obviously we were all wandering the same thing.
"What the fuck is a pasty?" Toni asked
"It's like. Okay imagine your classic pie and folded it in half so it becomes a pasty" and she drew it out on the sand for us kinda looked like the pie version of calzone.
"I'm thinking cheese cake factory. Four cheese pasta fresh brown bread" Shelby looked like she was self inducing just talking about it.
"Okay the cheese cake factory is grotesque" fatin cut in.
"Grotesque?" Shelby retorted
"Cheese cake is a desert why would a desert shop sell pasta? God America is so fucking confusing" Lexi said Martha, Toni and I sharing an amused laugh.
"I'm just saying the cheese cake factory is a mall restaurant for mall people. No judgment" I saw Toni smirk at that one too.
"What is a mall person and why'd you say it all derogatory like?" Shelby defended her and fatin now both sat up.
"Dottie what is that?" Shelby asked
"Wet wood gets us black smoke"
"Gets is a signal fire" Lexi finished
"Bingo. Probably a good idea to keep it going during the day" dot pointed at her before fanning the fire again. My gaze briefly fell on the other girls who were discussing something and arranging a plan to do with the surfboards.
"And guys you know I was pretty slack on this yesterday and it cost us. We gotta get real about shelter if we all pitch in grab the materials-" her face deadpanned as she watched fatin raise her hand
"Yes lady in the leopard"
"That sounds really unappealing and I'm exhausted and there's rescue coming so for those reasons I'm out"
"Just because you shot me down shark tank style doesn't make me any less annoyed"
"Lexi you coming" Rachel yelled picking up the boards with Leah and Nora before making their way to the shore line.
"Wait-can I take your place?" I asked. I really wanted to try and find something of my own or more specifically my guitar it's like a detox when I play. From all the stuff going on around me and now would be a perfect time for that.
"Yeah can you swim?"
" I surf too I'm a Cali girl"
"Alright then stay safe okay" she smiled before turning back to dot. And I stripped of my jeans and threw on lexis Nike leggings that were in her bag.
So I ran over to Rachel before giving her a load down on my entire surfing and swimming career before we head out.

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