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"What kind of confession is it then?" Aizawa Sensei asked, glaring at me like I was the one that flipped the desk but some reason it just wasn't bothering me anymore. The way they always made me out to be the villain barely even phased me, not with Deku literally in my lap and more than willing to protect me or defend me. The fact that he couldn't understand what was being said just doesn't matter, at least not right now.

"So Deku and I made up and are friends again," I smiled like the smart ass that I am only for Aizawa Sensei to activate his work but since I'm not using mine that hardly means anything. His capture scarf on the other hand was a different story, I watched it carefully as it lifted into the air. 

"You don't say? And can you elaborate on how the sudden heart to heart happened?" He was practically growling but Deku just hugged me tight to him. Maybe if he grabbed us together in the scarf it won't be so bad? Considering I wouldn't be alone?

"Well a lot actually but where to start?" I frown thinking and see our teacher relax at my willingness to answer. 

"When?" He asked and I nodded happy for the answer, his scarf going limp again. 

"Sunday, we were in a big fight catching villains. I believe you would have gotten the report by now?" I waited and he nodded when he seemed to think back on the reports he had received on us. "Well Deku and I were fighting, the villains not each other," I rolled my eyes at Kaminari and Kirishima who only giggled in response to being caught. 

"We saw a threat that the other didn't and protected each other but there was one that we couldn't so instead Deku was hit by a quirk." Thankfully Aizawa had relaxed and his capture scarf was no longer doing it's crazy, I'm moving all by myself and I'm going to tie you up just for thinking thing anymore.

"Turns out it was a language disrupter making it to where Deku can't understand common spoken languages, it lasted for about a week so today would have been the last school day it affected him." I held up my hands when his scarf went back up again. 

"The only thing wrong with Deku is that he needs interaction and after how he grew up that's only understandable," I look away avoiding the look of curiosity on his face but went on otherwise.

'Deku do you want me to tell them why you just flipped a desk? I need to tell them something,' I whisper and he groans. 

'Not really?' I nod and he curls back up in my lap. I look back up at our homeroom teacher. So long as he grabs Deku and I it should be fine. I will be fine. I have to be fine.

"I am here!" All Might walks into the room sees Deku in my lap, his desk flipped over and everyone otherwise frozen. "Nope I'm not," He turns to walk away only for Aizawa Sensei to catch him in his scarf. 

"Oh no you don't, you knew about this didn't you?" He questioned All Might who looked back at me and Deku before turning back to Aizawa. 

"I have never seen those two boys before in my life," Before somehow slipped out of the scarf and out the door again. I roll my eyes and Icyhot is out right laughing his ass off. He was going hysterical, not able to breathe and it's funny watching him and I just couldn't help joining him, slowly at first and then full uncontrollable laughter. It didn't take long before Kirishima joined in and then Kaminari and one by one everyone was laughing except Deku, who couldn't understand what anyone was saying, Iida and Aizawa Sensei. Present Mic had joined about half way through. 

Aizawa Sensei just looked around and kind of gave up returning to his sleeping bag in the corner. It ended up taking several minutes before we could stop and by then All Might returned with Nezu in tow. 

"So can someone tell me what was so funny?" Our principle asked. 

"Icyhot started it," I smiled happily. Deku was still sitting in my lap facing me. I think he fell asleep. He got a lot more relaxed while I was laughing. 

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