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Soon the scientist realized his mistake, he found out that Aairie was pregnant with TWINS 1 

male, and 1 Female (He was doing weekly ultrasounds on Aairie). That made the scientist 

ecstatic, because now he will have 2 children to do major experiments on (since they will be 

born an abnormal way and they're twins.), and 1 for minor (because she was born the normal 

way, -her twin)! Layla was left alone all the time, except for briefly when Cora came and took 

Aairie for ultrasounds, and other stuff. Layla tried to figure out what babies are, and what she 

will need to do to care for them. It sounds hard, she thought. And then she watched with wonder 

as Aairie's stomach started expanding, each month it got bigger and bigger, and bigger!  

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