Chapter Twenty One • Sirius's Birthday (Part Two)

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Marlene flashed the lights on and jumped out to face the boys. "NO WAY!" Sirius yelled, looking around. "You guys did all this for me?" Sirius playfully punched James but the minute Sirius turned away from him James silently screamed in pain. Sirius was really strong.

He took a quick look up at the ceiling, at his constellation. "You- you guys did this?" He stuttered. "Yep, it was all Claire!" Lily and Remus said, smiling at each other. Sirius turned to Claire quickly and hugged her tighter than ever, and considering how tight Sirius had hugged her before was saying something. She was kind of shook for a second and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "Thank you," he whispered as they hugged.

"This is great!" Sirius seemed to be pleased enough with his party, especially when other Gryffindors starting coming in or down from the dorms. Before she knew it, Claire was dancing around the common room with Marlene as Honey Honey played from Sirius's record player.

I heard about you before
I wanted to know some more
And now I know what they mean
You're a love machine
Oh, you make me dizzy!

Marlene and Claire were so caught up in the party that Marlene barely noticed Remus coming up behind them. "Speaking of a love machine..." Marlene yelled over the blaring music. Claire turned around with our hesitation and Remus stood there, his hand out for her.

"May I have this dance?" He joked, not letting her answer. He grabbed her hand quickly and pulled her in towards him. "Good job," he whispered in her ear. "Sirius loves it." They looked over by the snack table and a crowd of older girls were standing around him, talking and laughing away. She blushed at Remus's compliments and looked down at the new shoes Mrs. Potter sent her the previous day.

Remus held her chin with his finger and thumb, lifting her head up again. He smiled down at her, his soft lips slightly parted. He leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss before pulling out a single daisy. "I know it's Sirius's birthday, but I have a little treat for you after the party," Remus winked, bringing her close as they walked towards James and Lily, who for once seemed to mutually enjoy their conversation.

James was trying to play it cool and be all smooth with Lily as always, but for the first time it appeared to be working. "Hey Lils! James, looking dapper as usual," Claire teased, walking over to them. The second Lily looked to Claire and Remus, James turned around and tried fixing his hair that was always everywhere. Claire laughed quietly at him as Remus and Lily chatted in hushed voices.

"Oi! James!" Sirius called, rubbing the top of his head, undoing his finally straight hair. "Thanks for the party, you lot!" Sirius cheered, straightening his own long hair. "Of course!" They all said, smiling at their friend. "Anything for Padfoot!" James and Remus said in unison. "Again with the nicknames!" Lily sighed.

As the party went on, everyone's spirits just rose by the minute. Killer Queen came on again and the boys took this opportunity. They all held out their hands for Claire, Lily, and Mary while Dorcas and Marlene were already dancing together. Peter was nowhere to be found now.

Caviar and cigarettes
Well versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily nice

Lily seemed to forget her annoyance with James and was actually enjoying their dance. Sirius and Mary were all caught up in themselves and each other, forgetting anyone else. A very good match, Claire thought. As other Gryffindor couples danced around them. Claire and Remus tried their best not to be awkward as they danced together. He held their hands over her head and spun her around on her toe.

Eventually, the party started to die down and people began retrieving back to their dorms. The friends were left to clean up everyone's messes though. Thank god for magic. "Have any of you seen Moony at all?" Claire asked Lily, James, and Sirius. "Nope. I he told me to give this to you though," James said, handing her a daisy identical to the one from earlier. "Thanks," Claire said walking away from them. She pulled a little piece of paper off of the stem.

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