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31st May 1922
'derby day'

Everything had gone to plan. Tommy had killed the man he was supposed to and the blinders were taking over the Epsom Derby.

There was no reason for Tommy to be in a bad mood but when Polly approached him, his face held a sour expression.

"I take it everything went to plan?" She asked, moving to stand near him. The bar they were situated in had been heaving with people just minutes before but was now practically deserted due to the panic of a loose gunman.

"Yep, the boys are taking the Derby as we speak." Tommy answered firmly, voice void of emotion as usual. The pair stood in a solemn silence for several seconds, neither knowing exactly what to say.

"Rose is pretty, isn't she?" Polly changed the subject.

"You saw her?" Tommy's heart started beating a little faster at the mention of her name, something he ignored.

"Yes, spoke to her too. She'd make a good wife." A small smirk played on Polly's lips, she always enjoyed winding him up.

"You spoke to her? What did you say?"

"I told her to forgive you."

"She doesn't need to forgive me, Pol." Tommy scoffed. He had clearly given up on her but the feelings remained, Polly could see that. "How was she?"

"She looked well, could hardly tell what had happened from looking at her. Only thing was no one was watching the house when I got there, I walked straight in."

"Not now. I need a clear head just don't say things like that to me now." Tommy shook his head, not wanting to hear anything but good news. "I've got to go."

The business was almost done. He had spent the whole day without his mind casting to Rose and refused to change that now.

Walking away from his aunt towards the ballroom, he prepared to see Sabini. He hadn't seen him since what he did to Rose and he couldn't risk his anger get in the way of the business.

Tommy watched as the wretched man walked through the doors of the elaborate ballroom where only the owners and the toffs were allowed.

Sabini looked back to him with equal disgust, stalking over to him and taking a seat opposite.

"I've told the coppers that you're all gypsy racketeer peaky blinders. They're going to come and have you thrown out before the king comes up here." Sabini spoke confidently as though he had everything figured out.

Tommy's lack of retaliation after what happened to Rose had led Sabini to underestimate him which eventually worked in the blinders' favour.

"Well from what I saw, the police are a bit busy right now." Tommy couldn't help the small smirk that played on his lips as he watched the cockiness seep from Sabini's face.

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