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21st May 1922

Over the following few days, Rose got a lot better. The library had understood and allowed her a week off work. It would only raise questions if she turned up with cuts and bruises littered all over her anyway.

Thomas had visited every day, each time begging Ada to let him try talk to her but each time she refused. Rose never wanted to see him again and Ada wasn't going to argue with her.

Each morning, Ada would bring her tea and the local paper before she went about her day.

The second Sunday after it happened, Ada walked in to Rose stood by the window rather than her usual place on the bed.

"You're up." She spoke with a cheery tone to counterbalance the sour expression on Rose's face.

"Yeah." She spoke with little emotion in her voice. "Got sick of sitting in bed all day."

Ada placed the tea on the chest of draws before perching on the bed to speak to the woman.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine." Rose had been blunt ever since it happened. Ada hated seeing how it had changed her, especially given that it was down to her family that it happened.

"That's good, can I get you anythi-"

"Look Ada." Rose interrupted, finally turning her body towards her friend. "I'm going to be moving out."

Ada sighed, she saw this coming. A tear sprung in her eye, she felt stupid that she actually thought maybe her family wouldn't get to Rose. "Where will you be going?"

"If I tell you, you'll tell Tommy." Rose shook her head, turning back to look out of the window.

Ada scoffed. "Have you not realised it yet?" Her came out as though she were annoyed at Rose but really she was just upset.

"Realised what?" Rose looked on, confused.

"You can't run or hide from him, he'll always find you. He found me down here when I did everything I could to hide from him. As soon as he knows you're gone, he'll have men on you like the secret fucking service."

"But why? I just want to be left alone, why can't he respect that?" Rose knew she was in too deep now to get out easily but she wanted to try at least.

"You're in his head." Ada looked up at her with apologetic eyes. She felt responsible for bringing Rose into all this mess. "Once you're in his head, it's hard to get back out."

Rose sighed as she looked out of the window at the passing people. Her eyes shifted to the men clearly appointed to watch the house, she felt like a prisoner with them always stood on guard. "Well I'm going to at least try."

She was determined to get out of this before it was too late...

28th May 1922

The day after Rose moved out, Ada finally got the knock on the door she had been dreading.

As she sat reading the paper, three loud bangs sounded; there was only one person that could be.

She tried her best to make the journey from the kitchen to the front door as long as possible but she knew it was time to face him.

"Hello Thomas." She rolled her eyes as she let her brother in. Even when they lived together as children she didn't see him as much as she had since Rose moved in.

"Hello Ada." As usual, he looked all around as he entered the kitchen just in case Rose was there. "How's the patient?"

"She's been discharged." Ada told him, looking back to her paper as he remained standing beside the table.


"She's moved out, Tommy."

"You what?" Anger rose in his chest towards his sister, how could she just let her leave?

"She's gone." Ada snapped, looking back up to him. "She doesn't want to be wrapped up in our shit anymore."

"What's her new address?"

"Why would I tell you tha-"

"What's her new fucking address, Ada?" He shouted, making the young woman flinch slightly.

"She asked me not to tell you." Ada's voice remained calm despite Tommy's outburst.

"Well I can find out other ways but it would be a lot easier if you just told me, wouldn't it?"

Ada sighed, knowing full well that was true. "145 Forrest Hill road, flat 5."

"Thank you, Ada." And without another word, he headed back towards the door.

"Tommy." She grabbed a basket from the kitchen counter, rushing after him as he marched towards the door. "I was going to take her this. It's just some food and tea and stuff, would you drop it off?"

"Yeah, of course." He took the hamper off his sister, continuing his journey out to his car.

Luckily, Forest Hill Road was a place he knew. It sat right on the edge of the Sabini/Solomons border, a few streets in to Solomons' territory.

It was only a short drive from Ada's. The entire way there, Tommy rehearsed over and over in his head what to say.

He needed to just get in the door, even her agreeing to speak to him would be an achievement. If she wouldn't, he would still have people watching her to give him peace of mind until the business was done.

Pulling up outside, he instantly noticed how old and run down the building was. Gutters were hanging off, every other window was smashed and doors were hanging on their hinges.

He couldn't help thinking how a woman born into French royalty had ended up here because of him.

Grabbing the hamper with shaking hands, he stepped out of his car which undeniably stuck out against the dingy streets.

The front door of the building was unlocked to no surprise, almost coming off its hinges in his hand. An uneasy feeling flooded his body as he climbed the creaky stairs in search of flat number five.

Tommy was happy to see that Rose's front door was still firmly on its hinges. He stood staring at it for several seconds, not able to bring himself to knock.

He was almost certain that she would slam the door in his face, perhaps before he had even said hello.

Maybe it was too soon? He doubted himself, contemplating coming back another day.

Placing the basket Ada had sent on the floor by the door, he moved away to leave when the door unexpectedly opened.

Rose stood in front of him with a solemn expression. She had seen him but to her surprise hadn't immediately retreated away from him.

"Hello Mr Shelby."

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