Year 1: Ch. 1

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Cassiopeia Black, or Cassie, stood in front of her parents clutching a letter. Her parents had their wands out still pointing at thirteen year old Sirius, who laid on curled on the floor in pain.


Cassie averted her gaze from Sirius to look up at her parents. They had stone-set faces.

"You better get into Slytherin, unlike this blood-traitor here." Mr. Black jerked his head back to indicate he was talking about Sirius. "We will get your supplies after breakfast tomorrow." And with that, Mr. and Mrs. Black left the scene. Cassie waited until they were fully out of sight then she rushed towards Sirius's side.

Cassie helped Sirius sit up against the wall, and she pulled out pain killers she nicked from the medical cabinet when Kreacher wasn't looking.

Sirius grabbed the small tablets and swallowed. He immediately drooped his shoulders and his face relaxed. These were wizard painkillers. Unlike muggle medicine that takes a while to place effect, wizard medication goes into effect immediately.

Cassie sat there, watching her older brother squirm under her stare, asking for his opinion on what she should do.

"I think you should listen to Mum and Dad," Sirius said, running his hand through his hair nervously. It was NOT what Cassie wanted to hear.

"Just hear me out first," said Sirius, holding up his hands in defense. "If you were in Slytherin, nobody will bully you, you will be able to escape the wrath of Slytherin bullies, and instead become a Slytherin Sister." Sirius suddenly gasps. "Now I think of it, you can be Gryffindors' secret spy! You collect information from the Slytherins and pass that information to us. You can also put frogs in Snivelus's bed!"

"And my second reason is our parents." Sirius paused and looked at Cassie directly in the eyes. "I don't want you to go through what I am going through, y'know?"

Cassie nodded in understanding, but then she moved in her hands in a particular motion like it meant something sign language. Ok, but how about Ravenclaw? We know that I don't act like a Slytherin, and Gryffindor and Hufflepuff will make me like you, but Ravenclaw is a exception by barely. I will be called a blood-traitor, but that's it.

Sirius scratched his chin in thought. Cassie did make a good point, and she was right about getting less punishment as a Ravenclaw. He nodded. "Ok then. Judge Sirius says you should strive for being a Ravenclaw, not a Slytherin."

Cassie silently giggled at his playfulness. Both of them jolted when grandfather clock chimed six.

"C'mon, Cassie," said Sirius standing up. "We better go to dinner otherwise we will be sent to bed on a empty stomach."

Mrs. Black and her kids stood in front of the fireplace the next morning.

"Regulus will go first, then Sirius, and I will apparate Cassiopeia. Your father is at work and Mrs. Malfoy invited me to tea. I will come back at one sharp," said Mrs. Black. Regulus stepped forward and grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and one of the pouches of coins from his mother.

"Diagon Alley!" And he was gone.

"Diagon Alley!" And Sirius was too gone.

Mrs. Black held out her arm and Cassie took it. Cassie felt the familiar pull and twist in her stomach and her feet hitting the floor. Mrs. Black let go of Cassie and gave her money before she apparated away.

Cassie felt a tap on her shoulder and found Sirius and Regulus behind her, and a man was dusting them off.

"Let's go Cassie," Sirius said. "I can't wait for for you to meet my friends!" He grabbed her hand and dragged Cassie towards the broomstick store.

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