I. Its Just Another Drug Dont Fall For It!

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Lesson four: “the word “love” only lasts for as long as someone’s interest is there for, there for what is the point of fighting for something that does not last?” - Olive Wilson

10/01/2021 Olive’s Diary

Everyone I know that struggle with life and pain all have something they use to escape reality.
Everyday before bed I read the everlasting series of books upon my shelf, and that is when I truly smile...
Looking at my digital clock and watching as it turn twelve, I stared down at the pile of books under my bed and looked around my room.
Everything I saw before me had been read, the only books left were the pile of half read lies that lay beneath my bed.
A series of books piled together making a fort of lies and misunderstood truths, never again will I read those books I had once promised myself.

Half an hour later my Boredem still over won me I picked up the first book I had thracked onto the pile months ago, reviling a bright pink book mark.
and removing it ,the words “i think I’m I love” appeared out of the sea of words, skipping though the pages and passing all the disgusting words of confession I read the last line of page 45 “I could feel his breath upon my  breast, even if the blind fold had blocked my vision nothing could not stop me from ...” I slammed the book shut I needed nothing to do with romance , I didn’t hate it just because it was disgusting but because I knew romance is yet just another one of thous temporary things that you can get addicted to with a click of a hand ... but in the end It’s all just pointless and worthless, for you’ll get hurt ether way.

“Like a drug in the end with no money comes no drugs, with no one to love you ,who do you have to love??”

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