Chapter 10

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~Shuichi's POV~

*Ding Dong Bing Bong *

"Good morning everyone," Monophanie said on the monitor.

"It is now 8:00a.m. So get your butts out of bed," Montaro said.

Then the monitor turned off. I tried to sit up, but I felt arms around me. I looked over and saw Kokichi holding on to me. His lavender eyes flutter open. Well,  looked at his one eye and saw it was yellow.

"Ouma~Kun, I never realized that you have heterochromia iridum," I pointed out.

"Oh, yeah I usually wear contacts during the day. If I didn't everyone would probably be disgusted. At least that's what she always told me," he said, whispering the last part.

"Well, I think she's wrong. You always look handsome Ouma~Kun," I mumbled.

I immediately covered my mouth while my face flushed. A shade of bright red adorned Ouma~Kun's cheeks.

"Thanks! Also, y'know you can call me Kokichi, Saihara~Chan!"

His blush went away quickly and he smiled.

"You could also call me Shuichi if you want," I said.

He nodded.

"We should probably grab some breakfast."

With that we went to the dining hall.

When we got there Kaito immediately walked up to me.

"Hey Shuichi, after breakfast we need to have a chat. Meet me and Maki~Roll in the courtyard," he whispered to me.

I nodded. My and Kokichi sat down at a table. Everyone was glaring at me. What did he possibly do that made everyone distrust me so much?

I sighed and started eating. Kokichi was just poking at his food. He hasn't eaten anything, but I don't wanna push him too much. I looked away and saw that he started eating small bites. I guess it's better than nothing. We finished eating.

"Kokichi, I have to go meet up with Kaito and Maki. I'll see you around," I said.

"See you around Saihara~Chan!"

I guess he's still using my last name.

I waved goodbye while he waved back jumping up and down. I walked to the courtyard.

When I arrived Kaito and Maki waved over to me. I walked over to them, and sat down.

"Shuichi, what the hell happened to you?" Maki asked with her deathining  glare.

"Monokuma brainwashed me for a motive. He made so I was obsessed with Kokichi. I was back to normal after the first trial, but since no one trusted me I became him again. But now I'm back to myself for good," I answered.

"How can we know you're not lying?" She asked.

"Well I don't share memories with him, but I have no intentions to hurt anyone ever again."

"I believe him! What about you Maki~Roll?" Kaito asked grinning.

"I told you don't call me that dumbass! I guess he seems believable for the time being."

"Alright that's it! Also, be careful around Angie and the student council. They keep trying to convince everyone you're the mastermind," Kaito warned.

I nodded and walked to my dorm. On the way I ran into Kokichi.

"Hey Saihara~Chan, let's play a game," he said excitedly.

"Okay, what kind of game?" I asked.

"You'll see, but if you lose I'll have to kill you Saihara~Chan!"

"K-Kill me?!"

I'm guessing he's lying, but maybe he does hate me that much.

"Well, let's go to my room Saihara~Chan!"

I follow Kokichi to his dorm. We sat down at his desk as he took out a deck of cards. He started shuffling them.

"Do you know how to play war Saihara~Chan?" he asked.

"Yeah, I do," I answered.

"Okay then let's goooo!"

Kokichi and I kept playing back and forth. But each round we kept tying with each other.

"How do we keep tying?!" I asked.

"Yeah it sure is strange," he said, smirking.

Could he be doing this on purpose?

"Did you figure it out, Mr.Detective?" He questioned.

"We're tying on purpose right?" I asked.

"Ding, ding, ding! Good job Saihara~Chan!"

He walked over to his whiteboard. He wrote something down. Then, he started putting the cards away.

"Well looks like you're spared today Shuichi," he exclaimed, smiling. 

"Yeah, I should probably get going for dinner. Wait have we really been playing for that long?" I looked over at the clock, "Um anyway, I had fun hanging out with you Kokichi!"

"I did too Shuichi!"

I waved goodbye as he jumped up and down childishly.


It was close to nighttime. I was heading to my room when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Shuichi, I don't like to admit this, but I'm scared if I get another nightmare. Could we sleep together again tonight?" He asked.

I turned around so I was facing him.

"Of course Kokichi," I replied.

He smiled a bit. I like that he doesn't always put on a facade around me. We walked to my room. I unlocked the door and we went inside.

*Ding Dong Bing Bong *


The monitor then turned off. Kokichi and I let sleep take us over. Unaware that a new motive would be introduced in the morning.

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