New student

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3rd person

A pretty black haired girl(on the cover) walked into class 1-A. Everyone stared.

"Um...h-hi...I'm Laura Suzuki..." she said quietly.

"Ah the new student. Here on recommendation, from several hero's including All Might." Aizawa said. She blushed a bright crimson. Bakugo growled, he has even more competition now. Aizawa nodded and she sat down.

"So what's your quirk?" Todoroki asked.

"I-well-um" she stuttered.

"You don't have to tell us" Izuku said kindly. Those words made Bakugo's blood boil. Thankfully, saving Izuku and Laura, Aizawa started class. After a long hard day everyone went home, many still thinking about Laura and what her quirk could be.

Laura's POV

Gosh that day was tough. I had to avoid everyone's quirk related questions and Mineta's staring. My mother was Mirko, a pro hero. I didn't know who my father was, but whoever it was gave me some crazy powers. My mothers quirk gave me great senses and instincts. It brought ADHD but that was no biggie, most of the time. Whoever my father was gave me tons of power. It was kinda scary usually. I had a great control over darkness and shadows. I could do many things with it and almost never ran out of energy because I was fueled of shadows, and sadly pain. I also had pure black feather wings that were very sensitive and I could control them to a point. I never wanted to be a villain but a thought in the back of my head always whispered that I could never be a hero with a dark power like my own. I started to have a slight panic attack but soon calmed down and went to sleep.

Time skip to morning

I walked to the classroom and sat down. Kirishima and Denki walked over to me.

"Hey Laura!" Denki said happily.

"Hi Denki, hey Kirishima" I replied.

"Have you picked out your uniform yet?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah I have!" I held up a notebook with a drawing of my hero outfit.

This is what it looks like(yes I drew it)

"Woah! You're gonna look hot in that!" Mineta says coming up to us

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"Woah! You're gonna look hot in that!" Mineta says coming up to us.

"Quit being a pervert!" Denki exclaims.

"It's fine Denki" I laughed.

"Woah, Laura that looks really cool!" Midorya yelled. I winced, my senses were better which meant he was louder. Bakagou just growled again.

Time skip to after class.

I was walking to my house when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around to be facing Midorya.

"Oh gosh sorry Laura" he gushed

"It's alright Deku. You just scared me" he smiled.

"Can I walk with you?" He asked.

"Sure" I shrugged. We walked for a few minutes in silence when a tall man in a dark hoodie appeared.

"This is a robbery. Give me your valuables" he said holding his hands out in front of him. I chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?!" He yelled angrily.

"Well for starters, we're UA students, and I believe my quirk can be a little better than yours." I said cockily. "I'll stall him Deku, go!" I whispered.

"I'm not leaving you!" He whispered back.

"Don't worry my mum taught me how to get rid of these types of people. Just go!" He finally nodded and ran off. I smiled evilly. My eyes turned pure black and I rose of the ground, with my wings flapping and surrounded my pure dark energy.

"You picked the wrong girl to mess with" I hissed. He gasped and screamed as he ran off.

"He left Deku!" I shouted. I heard the rustle of a bush and Deku came out looking confused.

"How did you get him to leave so fast?" He asked.

"Well-I used my quirk." I said.

"But he left so quick...what is your quirk anyway?" He asked.

"Well" I sighed. "I'm not gonna show you all of it cause it tends to freak people into thinking I'm a villain." I started. He nodded slowly. I pulled my wings out and he gasped. I rose off the ground and used my quirk to control the shadows.

"Woah! You're crazy strong Laura!" He shouted.

"Not too loud please" I winced.

"Sorry" Suddenly a hand clamped on your mouth and Deku was grabbed by an unknown man. You felt a cloth on your mouth and as you tried to breath you could feel your body weaken. Soon you were met with darkness.

Time skip

When you woke up you were tied to a chair across from Deku, who looked terrified. The door opened and a man with purple scars all over his body walked in, followed by a woman with two blonde buns.

"So Laura Usagiyama, Izuku Midorya. You both have connections with All Might..." The man said. Deku nodded but you shook your head. He snarled. "Don't lie to me" I tried to speak but was muffled by the tape. The woman took off the tape and I sighed.

"That's better, anyway yeah I have literally no connection to All Might besides being the daughter of one of he pro hero friends." I said.

"It doesn't matter, either way you are our hostages and he will save you." He said with disgust. "Now be good little hostages and smile for the camera" he hissed. He turned on a phone and started recording.

"All Might" he said in a sing song voice. "Look who we have...your little sidekick Deku. And an extra, the daughter of your Mirko friend. It'd be a shame if you didn't come save them and they were to...die" he grinned. "You have until sundown. Come alone." The man turned of the recording and smiled. "Well, Toga, have your fun." He walked out as the woman called Toga pulled out a dagger and jumped at me. The last thing Deku heard before she lunged at him were my screams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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